A couple of things on the Iwill KK266 and does anyone have a Ak73 Pro


Oct 12, 1999
I will be RMAing my Iwill this week. I have the board version 1.1. It continues to boot without video randomly. I have a 700 Duron that I unlocked. It will boot up to 130 mhz. But anything beyond that it won't post. I am running at 825 with 7.5 multiplier aat 110 bus. Also let me give a shout to JK Dude's memory. It will run at 150 plus. Pretty darn good. The Iwill has awesome memory scores. At 825 on 110 fsb with memory at 143 Cas 2, I get scores of 494 and 594. Sometimes higher but never lower. The onboard sound is decent by lacks the ability to adjust bass and treble which can make for some weak sound on playing cd's. But it is going back none the less. It is disappointing but it is very flaky. I also want to add that the burst rates on HD Tach 2.61 are sorry. The best I get is 43 no matter what drivers I use. I tried it both ways, 4 in 1's and the base drivers from 98se. The scores suck.

Now does anyone have Ak73 Pro 133a. I think I am going to try one this week. I would like to know what voltage regulator chip it uses. I know its 2 phase but it is simlar to the MSI which is also 2 phase but double regulated. Also I would like to if Aopen has 4 interleaving as a memory option.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Now that I think of it I had a strange incident with my Kk266 and the video. I was running my 900 Bird at 700 and an fsb of 100. I did this to reduce my multiplier for future higher fsb settings. When I rebooted the screen was all screwed up... colors everywhere. I had to reinstall the drivers on my Matrox G450 CD. So far this has only occurred once.

A bit of history on that cpu. I connected all the L1s, finished connecting the L7s and modded the L6s from 1100 to 1110. I was told this sets the default multiplier to 7 allowing a fsb of 133 to generate a cpu at 933MHz upon boot.
First I tried to change the multiplier and nothing else but I got some odd cpu speeds. I did as DaddyG recommended and started overclocking with CLCK + PCI. That gave a faster fsb but the cpu stayed at 700. The posted cpu speed of 700 was what I was expecting. Then I changed the bios to CLCK and the jumper for the 100/133 fsb. I booted at 933/133, exactly what I was shooting for. I tried changing the multiplier to 7.5 for a one gig cpu speed and 133 fsb. The 133 held, but the cpu ran at 667. Again, I changed the multiplier to 8 but the cpu still ran at 667MHz. The best setting was to set the cpu to AUTO with the jumper setting the fsb to 133. That's how I got the 933/133 settings. Maybe a bios upgrade will fix that.

BTW, my IWill is a v1.2.

Third, I set my jumper to use the audio, but it disabled my 3COM ISA NIC. I noticed something I didn't know before. When I tried to plug my speakers into my IWill sound sockets, the plug seemed too big and fit loosely. I suppose I need an adapter. I never used a 4.1 sound system before.


Nov 4, 2000
bupkus youre mult. problem is a hardware issue with the rev 1.2 still waiting to hear from iwill when I can get a woking board


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
When you say you are waiting to hear from Iwill about getting a working board, are you suggesting they will exchange the v1.2 with a replacement?
If they would do that, it suggests a real issue with the v1.2. Please keep me informed on this thread. So far the video and multiplier problems are not overwhelming but this may be a false sense of security. Since I tend to keep my systems for a long time, I don't want to get stuck with a problem long after all opportunities to fix have ebbed.


Senior member
Nov 26, 2000
Ive got nothing but praise for my iWILL kk266rAID board. You wanna talk about memory scores? Check out my rig sig...


Nov 4, 2000
bupkus I wrote Iwill to ask them if I rma this board will I get another 1.2 that dosent work.Hope to hear from them today


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
My two nephews want me to build a pc for them. I think I'll wait until a new version of the KK266 is released and people praise it for the problems repaired. Fact is, I really like the KK266. I had a MSI TURBO which was stable, but no ISA slot, and I couldn't overclock to a 133 FSB which could have been my fault being new to this.
I must admit, I don't know how to use the onboard sound. The socket for the sound seems larger than the plug from my old 2 Yamaha speakers. I love the fact that I can tap the on/off button and it goes into a standby mode. The bios says my 900@933 is between the high 20's to the mid 30's. I'm using the TaiSol CGK742092 with standard fan. When I build my nephews pcs I'll try to use the two additional onboard system fan headers so when it goes into standby mode it will go real quiet.
I have the v1.2 and so far I'm happy although I do wish I could change the multiplier to 7.5.


Junior Member
Mar 12, 2001
All I can say is wow. It is currently running at 1425 9.5X150 and I havent even messed around with it to much. I have 2 questions first anything past 150fsb and i get error loading Windows ME. Is this just windows me acting up or is it something else. Secondly, I ran it in Quakeloops for 4 hours 3dmark 2 hours Sisoft Burn-in 4 hours with no issues but prime 95 torture test gives me a round off error every time. The self test works fine but not the torture test. What could this be? Thanks!

Benchmark Results Sisoft
Dhrystone ALU 3952 MIPS
Whetstone FPU 1956 MFLOPS

Integer MMX Enh 7949 it/s
Floating-Point 3DNow! Enh 9653 it/s

Int ALU/RAM Bandwidth 623 MB/s
FPU/RAM Bandwidth 705 MB/s

3DMark 2000 5921 ( I might switch to Nvidia)

Here are my specs
Iwill kk266
Turkoc bios 2.27
AMD 1.2 C
Alpha PAL6035 Delta 7K
256mb OCZ Performance Enhanced
ATI Radeon 64vivo
Mirror Colorcase 3 fans + 1 PS fan
IBM dekstar 45gb
sound blaster live
Efficient Tech 3060 DSL card


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Is your KK266 a v1.2?
Also, what is this Turkoc bios 2.27?
My board is a v1.2 with whatever bios came with it.
Did you get your Turkoc bios 2.27 from Iwill's website?


Junior Member
Mar 12, 2001
Turkoc bios is a modified Iwill bios that allows more fine tuning of the memory. I dont know where it says what version I have.

Check the www.amdmb.com for the right link!