- Jun 5, 2000
- 36,410
- 616
- 126
Fruit smoothies; 600 calories, 120 grams of sugar
Drink this instead: 100% fruit smoothie; 350 calories, 75 grams of sugar
Originally posted by: Anubis
i never associated any of those with healthy :/
Originally posted by: ElFenix
replace the pasta salad with whole wheat pasta salad instead of gross egg salad.
is there any difference between yogurt with fruit on the bottom and yogurt with the fruit blended in? or are the manufacturers being saved the trouble of stirring by fad-chasing consumers?
Originally posted by: dethman
who the heck ever thought a 'tuna melt' was healthy
Originally posted by: torpid
WTF... yoplait does not have fruit on the bottom.... why is it pictured here?
Originally posted by: Anubis
i never associated any of those with healthy :/
I see the Mens Health logo there. It's the equivalent of Cosmopolitan, except for men.Originally posted by: torpid
Upon further review, when you add in the "replace pasta salad with pasta salad" and the fact that all of their caloric information is seemingly totally arbitrary, I have decided that this article single handedly discredits MSNBC as a valid news source. Not that there wasn't compelling evidence already, but it is really convenient that it's all wrapped up into one nice little package.
Originally posted by: yamadakun
You aren't eating healthy if you are not on the Atkin's diet?
Originally posted by: Citrix