9/11 victims angered by bush ads


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Bunch of whiney Bush Haters. Those ads have incredible production values, and the 9/11 elements are very suttle.


Jul 25, 2002
The last paragraph sums it up:

"Three thousand people were murdered on President Bush's watch," Breitweiser said.
"He has not cooperated with the investigation to find out why that happened."
Jan 12, 2003
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
The last paragraph summs it up:

"He has not cooperated with the investigation to find out why that happened."</STRONG>

We know what happened: two planes hit the twin towers.



Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
The last paragraph summs it up:

"He has not cooperated with the investigation to find out why that happened."</STRONG>

We know what happened: two planes hit the twin towers.

So you think it is okay for someone to use the events of 9/11 for political gain?


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: tnitsuj
Bunch of whiney Bush Haters. Those ads have incredible production values, and the 9/11 elements are very suttle.

Exactly. I don't care if you were being sarcastic - I'd say exactly that and mean it.

These ads didn't do anything to disrespect anyone involved in those incidents and it sure as hell wasn't focusing on them.

This "reaction" and "reporting" get a


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Tabb
What a lame excuse, a load of Bush Bashers.
LOL, you say that like it's a bad thing.

IMO, Bush did what any sitting president would have done after the 9/11 attack..well except for creating the Patriot act and using the 9/11 attacks, the patriotism and feared that followed to mislead the American Public into supporting his and the Neocons predetermined invasion and occupation of Iraq!


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Yes, 9/11 happened on his watch, and yes, he could use the images but they should be images of himself during that time. When he uses images of those firefighters and rescue workers in the ad, it implies that those people are supporter of this president, which is not necessarily true. That is taking advantage of a tragic event for political gain!

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Yes, 9/11 happened on his watch, and yes, he could use the images but they should be images of himself during that time. When he uses images of those firefighters and rescue workers in the ad, it implies that those people are supporter of this president, which is not necessarily true. That is taking advantage of a tragic event for political gain!
Can the Democrats use those comercials with a voice over to attack Bush? Would that be legal?



Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
The last paragraph summs it up:

"He has not cooperated with the investigation to find out why that happened."</STRONG>

We know what happened: two planes hit the twin towers.

And a little place called the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvaia. 9/11 was not just New York.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Yes, 9/11 happened on his watch, and yes, he could use the images but they should be images of himself during that time. When he uses images of those firefighters and rescue workers in the ad, it implies that those people are supporter of this president, which is not necessarily true. That is taking advantage of a tragic event for political gain!
Can the Democrats use those comercials with a voice over to attack Bush? Would that be legal?

Nope. Gotta pay for the legal rights to use footage like that ;)

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Yes, 9/11 happened on his watch, and yes, he could use the images but they should be images of himself during that time. When he uses images of those firefighters and rescue workers in the ad, it implies that those people are supporter of this president, which is not necessarily true. That is taking advantage of a tragic event for political gain!
Can the Democrats use those comercials with a voice over to attack Bush? Would that be legal?

Nope. Gotta pay for the legal rights to use footage like that ;)
I figured as much. It would be a shame if Bush couldn't use the 9/11 attacks for his campaign as that was when he was at his best. ALthough I still stick by my opinion any other sitting President would have done the same at least Bush didn't falter and did show strong leadership at the time.


Nov 25, 2001
Bush should go ahead and use all of the 9/11 images he wants. Despite his campaign saying he wouldn't do so. Despite the 9/11 victims and their families angered by the exploitation. Despite the firefighters being angered by the ads. Remember, Bush doesn't care about the polls, so we should all just let him shoot himself in the ass right out of the gate.

Cue the Alan Jackson: :music: Where were you when the world stopped turnin' that September day? :music:



Sep 10, 2001
It is absolutely politicizing those images and they have a right to be angry. The opposite crowd would be angry if it was a democrat doing this- the beauty of partisan zeal.

Just look at how neatly this thread has degraded into 'Bush-bashers' vs. 'Bush-lovers'. No one is discussing the fundamental flaw of politicizing a tragic event towards personal/political gain. What if it were not even a Presidential campaign, what if it were perhaps part of an advertisement for a company trying to sell their products?


Senior member
Jun 12, 2003
I guess im lost. You guys say he is using it for gain but so what? He did a good job at that time, and he is saying he will continue to provide strong leadership. Would you rather he make fun of Kerry for flip-flopping or lay out what he has done? People have too much time on their hands.


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
9/11 victims angered by bush ads

One. ONE, I have heard on the radio a lot more than one say they are not upset, That people should not forget what changed American, We have someone that kicked the asses of the ones that did it and have there leader on the run or dead, The man in the White house is known for more than renaming a blow job and doing nothing but passing the mess on to the next guy


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 1999
I find it hard to get bent out of shape about these ads. Just wait a couple of months until the mud really starts flying...



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Why shouldn't Bush be able to use those images? They happened on his watch. You can bet the Democrats are going to use his BS'ing about WMDs in Iraq to mislead the American Public into supporting his ill advised excellent adventure in Iraq because it obviously happened on his watch too!

Yes, 9/11 happened on his watch, and yes, he could use the images but they should be images of himself during that time. When he uses images of those firefighters and rescue workers in the ad, it implies that those people are supporter of this president, which is not necessarily true. That is taking advantage of a tragic event for political gain!
Can the Democrats use those comercials with a voice over to attack Bush? Would that be legal?

Nope. Gotta pay for the legal rights to use footage like that ;)
I figured as much. It would be a shame if Bush couldn't use the 9/11 attacks for his campaign as that was when he was at his best. ALthough I still stick by my opinion any other sitting President would have done the same at least Bush didn't falter and did show strong leadership at the time.

nah, Clinton would have sent a few 2 million dollar missiles to blow up a few 10 dollar tents and called it good


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
Has anyone seen these ads? besides just reading about them? If anyone has could they post a link? I like to see these ads before I past judgement on whether its exploitive or not.


Jul 25, 2002
You know what - there was only one individual that stepped up and showed a
leadership capacity in the wake of 9/11 attacks in New York, and is wasn't Bush.

Rudy Guliani kept his composure - clearly under duress, and provided leadership and hope.

Everyone else used it as a photo op to been seen at the site for thier own gain.

To Bush it was a blessed event that he grabbed onto - to elevate his failure, and distract the
country, not unite it, but devide the country and the world into a 'Us versus Them'.


May 26, 2003
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
The last paragraph summs it up:

"He has not cooperated with the investigation to find out why that happened."</STRONG>

We know what happened: two planes hit the twin towers.

So you think it is okay for someone to use the events of 9/11 for political gain?

would that be attacks such as political attacks on the president?