8X reads as 2X but should be 4X


Senior member
Jul 13, 2004
Just installed an MSI GeForce FX5200 TD-128 on my rather old machine.
The systm has since had problems running right.
In the Nvidia properties window, the AGP bus speed shows 2X. It does run like a 2X right now, anything a little graphic intensive takes more time to load than on my GeForce2 MX (4X) probably because of that.
My motherboard is an Aopen Ax34 Pro II, has an AGP 4X slot, runs WinXP SP1
I've checked BIOS settings, 4X is activated.
The most recent BIOS is in there.
Reinstalled Drivers, including 4-in-1, didn't work
Reinstalled DirectX (9.0b) didn't work
REinstalled drivers (again) niet
i'm about to plug back the old card in the computer and get rid of the new one...


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I did some Googling, and it appears that the chipset used on that board is the "Via 694X (Apollo Pro 133A)". I'm going to assume that the AGP port part of the northbridge is the same as their KT133/133A chipsets as well, since they were released in the same era. Given the knowledge that NVidia video drivers, by default, slow down to AGP 2x on all KT133/133A boards (and likewise also Apollo Pro 133/133A boards?), then that is what your problem most likely is. (Even if the BIOS is set for AGP 4x, and the card itself is capable of AGP 8x.) So what you are seeing, is actually correct behavior. There is/was a registry setting for force-enabling AGP 4x support on those chipsets for the NV drivers, and you might check to see if that board's BIOS allows increasing the AGP voltage by a tad. Combine those two, see if it works, and see if it's stable.

Otherwise, junk that ancient board and upgrade. :)



Senior member
Jul 13, 2004
That experts-exchange adress is only for paying subscribers... i dunno how it got on google.
I just found a registry tweak on VIA's website. I'm gonne test it as soon as possible.