vf900 is a great choice, works very well.
Isopropyl works well on pretty much any surface. You can use it to clean everything. Ideally, use a coffee filter (since they're lint free) for the big work, and q-tips for detail areas. And yes, try to remove all thermal paste you can see. The chips should look clean n' shiny when they're ready, much like this:
You should be able to clearly read the lettering on the chips when they're clean.
Follow the install instructions from Zalman on the vf900. Again, remove ALL the stock thermal paste - Zalman sends you a tube with the new HSF, so you can reapply an appropriate amount.
Regarding the ramsinks: CLEAN THE RAM THOROUGHLY before applying the ramsinks. The thermal tape on the back of them is very susceptible to contamination, and if there's residue between it and the ram chips, they won't stick.
Also, recognize that once you plug a RAMsink on there, if you remove it and try to adjust it, it will not stick as well, although if your chips are clean, it should still work. Try to get it right on the first try, regardless.
RAMsink tape adhesive reaches its peak, per Zalman, 24hrs after application, so there is a short cure time.