75GB IBM just installed. NTFS or FAT32 ? Partitions, OS`s - opinions please all :-)


Senior member
Dec 8, 2000
i wanna learn MCSE i already know quite a bit bout win2k etc.

ok what would be the best file system to use for (a) stability (b)speed

(c) what os`s do u recommend i install to learn MCSE (duel boot with Win2K WIN2K Server ?) I am in the process of building another box to help eith my studies.

(d) what size partitions for each os ?

(e) or should i have winme, win2k, win2kserver and a 4th partition for storage backup etc. ? but then some of the functions of NTFS and learning MCSE would be out the window cos of FAT32 is thiscorrect ?

let`s have all the opinions guys please,

cheers to all



Golden Member
May 31, 2000
Why don't you set up multiple for booting and for various file systems?
That would allow you to better learn/practice the ins and outs of the
various file systems supported under Win2k.

If you create your boot partitions for each OS under 2Gig apiece, then you
should be able to create boot drives without exceeding the cylinder limit
of your drive. Then you can dedicate the remaining space to whatever partition
structures you feel work best for the system setup you want to build.

I would try to have FAT16, FAT32, and multiple NTFS partitions. I also think
you can Win2K can utilize unpartitioned space as part of a volume set, so you
may want to leave part of the 75Gig unpartitioned.


Mar 6, 2001
I just want to say you're LUCKY! I wish I could have that 75 gigs right now :(