6970 vs 7850 1GB


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Hello everyone, I currently have an XFX 7850 1GB, which I may have the option of trading for a 6970. (2GB)

Both would be used for mining, and also as a gaming card for the 2nd desktop. I am wondering how much difference the extra memory will make at 1920x1200 for games, providing they are not CPU bottlenecked. The system has an older board and CPU,(athlon x2 4400+ s939) and only 2 GB of DDR RAM. It runs windows 7.

Keep in mind I also would be mining on this when someone is not gaming on it. I may upgrade the mobo/cpu/ram in the future for that comp.

I am currently ocing the 7850 moderately, and would likely do the same with the 6970.
So considering mining and gaming at 1200p (on probably not so new/CPU intensive games for now) would it be worth making the trade for a 2 GB 6970?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2011
Even swap? 6970. Pretty sure it has a higher hashrate. Extra 1gb vram will handle your resolution better as well, especially if you use anti-alias.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Ok thanks, I was leaning to that conclusion as well. I know though, the 7850s tend to OC better, and use less power. Also, between 2 GB cards, the 7850 edges out the 6970 in games on the benches I found. I figured the 1 GB would make a bit of difference though, giving the 6970 a bit of an edge when a GB is lost from the 7850.

And you appear to be right about the scrypt hashrates. Looks like several people are actually getting over 500 kh/s on 6970s.
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