My title says it all... My 6800 Ultra died today while my wife was playing the Sims 2. I don't play games on my computer that much but, that will change later this year when the new Totalwar game comes out. Currently all gaming is done on my xbox 360!
My comp (see sig) was built in 2004 so next year will be overhaul time. Until then I'm looking for the best AGP gaming card that I can get from newegg (have an account and they've been good to me). I don't do video editing. We play Sims 2 / Medieval 2 total war / new totalwar game when it comes out. I would like to play Crysis but, I don't know if my AMD 3800+ would fall apart on me.
I want a card preferably that will use a molex connector because I have 2 sitting there unused from my 6800 Ultra. I'll be ordering on the 25th after my wife and I get back from our cruise in Italy.
Thank you!
Link to other post where I found my card died (my 8500 is much less power hungry and works like a champ but, my wife needs her Sims 2 at 1600 x 1200 (resolution of our LCD). Link
Received my new AGP 3850 (Saphire).
I installed it (using now in my computer on Windows default driver).
I download the ATI drivers from the AMD/ATI web site but, I get an error and it exits installation everytime I try to install them with or without the CCC. I did install the 2.0.NET framework from windows update
I ran driver cleaner for my old Nvidia card & uninstalled the video driver.
I choose Windows XP home / professional
HD 3850
for the dirver type
I then get this error when the driver starts to install: "Setup did not find a driver compatible with your current hardware or operating system. Setup will now exit". Please help!
Thank you!
My comp (see sig) was built in 2004 so next year will be overhaul time. Until then I'm looking for the best AGP gaming card that I can get from newegg (have an account and they've been good to me). I don't do video editing. We play Sims 2 / Medieval 2 total war / new totalwar game when it comes out. I would like to play Crysis but, I don't know if my AMD 3800+ would fall apart on me.
I want a card preferably that will use a molex connector because I have 2 sitting there unused from my 6800 Ultra. I'll be ordering on the 25th after my wife and I get back from our cruise in Italy.
Thank you!
Link to other post where I found my card died (my 8500 is much less power hungry and works like a champ but, my wife needs her Sims 2 at 1600 x 1200 (resolution of our LCD). Link
Received my new AGP 3850 (Saphire).
I installed it (using now in my computer on Windows default driver).
I download the ATI drivers from the AMD/ATI web site but, I get an error and it exits installation everytime I try to install them with or without the CCC. I did install the 2.0.NET framework from windows update
I ran driver cleaner for my old Nvidia card & uninstalled the video driver.
I choose Windows XP home / professional
HD 3850
for the dirver type
I then get this error when the driver starts to install: "Setup did not find a driver compatible with your current hardware or operating system. Setup will now exit". Please help!
Thank you!