6600 vs 6600gt vs 6200 for MCE with Component


Senior member
Feb 13, 2001
Ok I have a 42 widescreen panasonic with component in only...and I won't be doing any gamming. It has to be an agp card.

I've looked at a lot of the threads here, there, and everywhere and have a few questions.

From what I've read the 6600gt is a great card and as long as I get one with component dongle it should do a good job.

The 6600 is also a good card just not as fast. The 6200 is a ok card and cost a lot less.

So the question is if I go with a 6600 would 30 bucks be worth it for a gt model?

Should I even consider the 6200? Does it have good quality component?

Can the 6600 be run with the heat sink fan not connected? Or does it need the cooling?
