64-bit Windows XP for gaming?


Dec 28, 2006
I have an unused Windows XP 64-bit license. I am thinking about using this for a PC that will be primarily used for gaming. ATI has a graphics driver for 64-bit XP for the X1950Pro that I will put in this PC. (I realize this graphics card is a few generations behind)

Anyone see any issues with this setup vs. a 32-bit XP installation in terms of performance or compatibility?

Moved to PC Gaming.

Video Mod BFG10K.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I have no direct experience with x64 XP, but I have heard of poor support and many problems with it from several tech friends. If you have the license already, I'd say to give it a try. But honestly? I wouldn't... Just download Windows 7 RC, and pre-order Windows 7 upgrade that is currently on sale.


Nov 12, 2004
Everything I've heard about windows XP 64 is bad. I'd stick with 32 until you go to Vista or 7.


Feb 22, 2007
There is nothing wrong with XP x64. It is even more stable than xp 32 bit, I had one install that I used about 6-8 hours a day for over two weeks without a reboot. It is why lots of workstations use it to run things like CAD applications, even with vista x64 available. It uses very little resources and gives you 64 bit support.

The problems that people have with XP x64 is driver related. They install it expecting it to support things like their webcam and then complain when it doesn't or that patched drivers cause the system to crash. It is an OS targeted at the professional market, so double check that all your devices have drivers.


Senior member
Oct 26, 2007
Works great for everything I play, drivers are sometimes work to find. I'd definitely say install it, and upgrade your ram (supports as much as you'd want instead of just 3)


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I've used it for a couple years and the only problem I've had with it is that some Older Games won't Install due to Installers that are primarily 16bit. You have to watch out for some Hardware issues, mostly Older peripherals(Game Controllers, Printers, and the like) that the Manufacturer has stopped supporting. Never had a problem with Video Cards, Chipsets, and other basic parts. It's rock stable and generally good all around.

I wouldn't recommend Buying it, but since you already have a License, go ahead and use it. Just check for Driver availability for your Printers and whatnot first.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: PurdueRy
Everything I've heard about windows XP 64 is bad. I'd stick with 32 until you go to Vista or 7.

A friend of mine joins me in lot of different online gaming etc and uses WinXP x64,he has never had any issues gaming wise.

I would say if you got XP 64 bit drivers for your hardware you should be fine.

Personally I would go with newer OS for the DX10/DX11 support/longer life span plus better driver support etc especially if you are going to do serious gaming.



Nov 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Mem
Originally posted by: PurdueRy
Everything I've heard about windows XP 64 is bad. I'd stick with 32 until you go to Vista or 7.

A friend of mine joins me in lot of different online gaming etc and uses WinXP x64,he has never had any issues gaming wise.

I would say if you got XP 64 bit drivers for your hardware you should be fine.

Like I made sure to say, it's not from my experience...just what I've read mainly on these message boards. I never used XP 64. Went to Vista x64 and love it though. Same with windows 7 x64.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: PurdueRy
Originally posted by: Mem
Originally posted by: PurdueRy
Everything I've heard about windows XP 64 is bad. I'd stick with 32 until you go to Vista or 7.

A friend of mine joins me in lot of different online gaming etc and uses WinXP x64,he has never had any issues gaming wise.

I would say if you got XP 64 bit drivers for your hardware you should be fine.

Like I made sure to say, it's not from my experience...just what I've read mainly on these message boards. I never used XP 64. Went to Vista x64 and love it though. Same with windows 7 x64.

I agree about Win7 x64 and Vista x64 , infact my WinXP x64 bit friend(Howard) did a full upgrade lastweek and I managed to convince him to go Win7 x64 RC until it goes retail. :).


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I've been running XP64 for gaming for a while now and have never had issues. Tried Vista64 but had some issues with D3D overlays and general speed.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
As of right now, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition works perfectly fine. I used it for several months before I moved on to Vista. The problem with it is that it is a very niche operating system, so don't expect future driver and software support for it to be very great, it will probably be worse than regular XP support.


Platinum Member
Jan 25, 2009
video card and chipset drivers will be supported, but perhaps not some peripherals (printers, scanners, old ata controllers, etc.). it's a toss up. my printer, for instance, a canon mp600, does not have xp x64 drivers. but of course there are vista 64 drivers, and there may yet even be win7 64 drivers. in my opinion driver support and "niche" as someone put it, are the only disadvantages. if you can get drivers for everything, it's like xp but better.


Dec 3, 2004
I've used Windows XP64 as my primary OS for about a year or so, before Vista came out.
With the usual Intel, AMD, nVidia, Realtek, Marvell hardware there's no problem getting drivers.

The main problem with gaming is that especially older games often use CD/DVD protection which works with special low-level drivers. These drivers won't always work in 64-bit OSes.
Another thing is that quite a few installers/applications have buggy OS detection. They will just refuse to run, because they think your OS is unsupported. Sometimes that can be fixed with the compatibility settings. Sometimes it helps to just extract the files manually, or install them in a different OS, and just run the files directly from their installed folders in XP64.

In general it's about as good as 32-bit Windows for gaming, as long as you can install and run your games. Most big titles will just run (I've played various games, like Doom3, Far Cry, Crysis, various Need For Speeds, Half-Life2 etc).
I don't expect any current or future games to have problems with 64-bit anymore, since it's become a lot more common with Vista x64 out.

Having said that, Windows XP64 is a bit of an 'orphan'. It's a cousin of XP, but not quite. And although it's related to Vista x64, it's not quite Vista either. Even Microsoft no longer supports XP64 with a number of their applications. You cannot install Live Messenger, Mail etc on XP64 for example. And ofcourse you don't have DX10 either. So I think as Vista and Windows 7 will get more popular, you'll quickly find yourself 'abandoned' with XP64.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2008
I've been running XP 64 for a while too. Works perfectly fine for the most part. Some silly installers detect specific version and will freak. Get used to editing .msi files.

Otherwise, it's just fine. BTW, XP 64 is closer to server 2003 than 32 bit XP. You may have some luck getting server 2003 compatible software etc.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2008
I XP x64 for my gaming OS and it works fine. As already mentioned, drivers tend to be hit or miss. I bought a nice pci-x wireless card which didn't have XP x64 drivers, so that was kind of disappointing, but other than that everything works fine and it seems to be a lot more stable than my XP machine.


Sep 20, 2007
Originally posted by: PurdueRy
Everything I've heard about windows XP 64 is bad. I'd stick with 32 until you go to Vista or 7.

The majority of problems when it first came out were caused by a lack of driver support. 64-bit operating systems need 64-bit drivers and a lot of the hardware manufacturers at the time just didn't have them. Today there's really no reason not to use a 64-bit OS unless you rely on legacy hardware. If you like Windows XP, go for it.


Feb 5, 2001
I use XP 64 as for my Workstation which also doubles as my gaming PC and been using it for over a year and a half so far with no issues with games at all so far. I use an nvidia graphics card if that matters any for you.

The only issue with xp64 ive seen is driver related stuff as others have mentioned. I just make sure when I am purchasing something that it does have decent drivers before hand now, but I havent come across anything that has given me a problem.

I have no problems recommending it with my current experiences with it thus far


Nov 11, 2004
Please check for drivers for all your stuff before you install it. Kinda like Vista64 was in the beginning.