5Ghz 8600 too hot for EK supreme

Nov 26, 2005
I am stumped to why my Q9650 fails IBT even at stock bios settings. It might even be the board but I'm not going to throw in my new Q9650 to find out, I'm saving that for my UD3R setup. Really all I need to do is swap out my old 8400 to test it in my MIIF H20 setup but I am just getting too lazy these days.

My question is though, I'm thinking about a dualie for my MIIF board. As some you already know, I am using a custom H20 setup. I have DDR2 1000 so 500fsb would be my limit before pushing the ram and as far as the board that might be pushing it too but is yet to see. So, do i get an 8400 E0 ala 4500Mhz, 8500 E0 4750mhz or shoot for the E8600 to run my game machine @ 5Ghz 24/7


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
I think you'd run to the limits of the silicon at safe voltages and temperatures before you'd hit 5.0GHz for a 24/7 system. Maybe a suicide run, but I doubt it. Just go for whatever will satisfy you. That is the most important thing. You've already been Aigo'd, you don't need to be stuck in the Upgraditis too.
Nov 26, 2005
My main reason is The first Q9650 is failing IBT at all stock bios settings. I run 1 (max stress test) and it fails immediately. If I run "2" half stress test it will pass no problem. That's what I'm trying to actually trouble shoot. Just not sure if its the board or cpu.


Platinum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
My main reason is The first Q9650 is failing IBT at all stock bios settings. I run 1 (max stress test) and it fails immediately. If I run "2" half stress test it will pass no problem. That's what I'm trying to actually trouble shoot. Just not sure if its the board or cpu.

You will always fail at #1 if you have more ram then the system can see. IBT will see all the available memory, but lets say you are running Vista 32 with 4GB...when IBT tries to poll this, the OS returns an error and you immediately stop/fail.

Now that I think of it...I don't know if I ever got it to run "max" memory...I have always used #4.


Platinum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Video card using some of the memory...an application has locked the memory...lots of possabilities, I just don't know the exact answer, but I experience the same effect all the time.



Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2005
i say forget IBT and just use OCCT, if you can pass their CPU stability test for more than 6 hours + their ram test, you're golden and you will not see any cpu/ram related instabilities.

Nov 26, 2005
I did pass OCCT 3-1/2hrs @ 467fsb & I do have two fans blowing over the NB and RAM area. The NB topped out at 44*c

I think tweakin may be right about the "max stress" level testing. I currently am doing a "4" custom level stress test using 2048Mb and it just passed.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
if you need more then 1.5vcore you'll kill that wolfie no matter how cold it is in time on 24/7