My modem has suddenly started giving this NO DIALTONE FOUND error when i try to dial out.
The telephone connected through the modem has the dialtone and when i click the MORE INFO button in CONTROL PANEL->MODEM->DIAGNOSTICS tab, my system communicates with the modem and returns a series of AT statements which is supposed to indicate that the modem is working fine. I don;t have any IRQ conflicts either and have reinstalled the drivers and dial up networking too.
Does anybody has any ideas whas wrong with my modem ?
It's 56K US robotics voice capable modem and i am runnin win 98 on a dell dimension intel P II processor.
The telephone connected through the modem has the dialtone and when i click the MORE INFO button in CONTROL PANEL->MODEM->DIAGNOSTICS tab, my system communicates with the modem and returns a series of AT statements which is supposed to indicate that the modem is working fine. I don;t have any IRQ conflicts either and have reinstalled the drivers and dial up networking too.
Does anybody has any ideas whas wrong with my modem ?
It's 56K US robotics voice capable modem and i am runnin win 98 on a dell dimension intel P II processor.