56k external modem INOP on Sony Viao 707-PCG


Jul 27, 2001
Trying to install a USR Sportster 56K V.90 external modem (model 5686) on the sony viao 707 laptop.
Everytime I install it Window 95 identifies it as a USR 56k fax ext pnp modem.
It checks out under the modem diagnostic function

When I try to dial out it says try turning modem off and on again and some other blah, blah blah.

I can install it on my desktop under Windows98se and it identifies it as a
Sportster 56 Fax ext,,,,,,,different than what W95 does on the laptop.
It works fine on the desktop......

Yes I know why the external on the laptop, I don't want to purchase a pcimia card.

Any other remedies?