536EP Modem + Redhat 9.0


Sep 28, 2002
I'm having getting Redhat 9.0 (2.4.20-8) to recognize my Modem

I used these drivers:


Intel-536ep-460.tgz Linux drivers for MD5628D-L-C chip

The make clear, make 536ep and make install run flawlessly

If you are wondering I'm a n00b but not that much of a n00b. I used Mandrake 8.0 and 9.0 b4 coming over (I switched b/c the drake was too buggy for me and not a clean enough interface like RH though the dearth of RPMs that come preinstalled kinda sucks)

But I cannot access the modem...I would load up KPPP and try every single "/dev/modem" type of stuff and I can't get the modem to recognize.

Mind you I haven't recompiled my kernel (I just have .o files or whatnot that load up) b/c I don't know how and that is going to affect me too much that extra second.

But does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

Asus A7n8x Deluxe
Shrike 2.4.20-8
1700+ @ 1750
Geforce 4 mx

Thanks if anyone knows what to do! I'm so clueless because I can easily install it yet I'm stuck from there


Sep 28, 2002
[root@localhost Intel536-460-R80]# ls
536ep-boot config_check hamregistry license.txt readme.txt
536ep-inst coredrv inc makefile serialdrv
[root@localhost Intel536-460-R80]# make clean
cd coredrv; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/coredrv'
rm -f *.o *~ core
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/coredrv'
cd serialdrv; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/serialdrv'
rm -f *.o *~ core
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/serialdrv'
rm -f *.o
rm -f *.o

[root@localhost Intel536-460-R80]# make 536ep
Module precompile check
Current running kernel is: 2.4.20-8
/lib/modules... autoconf.h exists
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h: No such file or directory
autoconf.h matches running kernel
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.version.h: No such file or directory
version.h matches running kernel
cd coredrv; make \
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/coredrv'
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o coredrv.o coredrv.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o clmmain.o clmmain.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o rts.o rts.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o task.o task.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o uart.o uart.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I../inc -c -o wwh_dflt.o wwh_dflt.c
ld -r coredrv.o clmmain.o rts.o task.o uart.o wwh_dflt.o 536epcore.lib -o 536epcore.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/coredrv'
cp coredrv/536epcore.o .
cd serialdrv; make \
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/serialdrv'
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I ../inc -c -o softserial.o softserial.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I ../inc -c -o softserial_io.o softserial_io.c
cc -DTARGET_SELAH -DTARGET_LINUX -DLINUX -Wall -O -I /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include -I ../inc -c -o softserial_ioctl.o softserial_ioctl.c
ld -r softserial.o softserial_io.o softserial_ioctl.o -o 536ep.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.gnome-desktop/Intel536-460-R80/serialdrv'
cp serialdrv/536ep.o .

[root@localhost Intel536-460-R80]# make install
bash 536ep-inst
running kernel 2.4.20-8
installing hamregistry, used for persistant storage
installing 536ep module
installing 536ep core module
redhat hamboot rc2.d and rc3.d scripts
starting module and utilities
[root@localhost Intel536-460-R80]#


Look just a tad after make 536 EP...there is someting that isn't there that should me? VM linuz or something like that?

Also with this compilation I somehow got the modem!!! I think. IN KPPP ttsy3 doesn't work (which is com4 right?) but /dev/modem freezes again but this time I get some clicking noise!!!! So that means the modem must've been affected especially if it started clicking...it would do that once then stop for a while and then start again as if something timed out