Very low prices on Inspiron RAM at Dell Home's accessories site. 59.99 for a 256 MB stick of Inspiron RAM. 10% off. Buy 2 for 120. -10%=108. Free shipping=108
Go all out and make Dell send it to you next day for free.
Bada bing, bada boom. Outfit your new Inspiron with a full load of memory for 100 bucks. Would have cost you $300 through Dell with the Inspiron purchase (because we all know how difficult it is to snap that second stick into place). Go ahead and fleabay that 128 meg stick for like 30 bucks on eBay.
On a side note, I got my second Inspiron yesterday. I'm going to give back the one I bought a few weeks back (UXGA, 20 gig 4200 rpm, 32 mb geforce2, black palmrests) because this one (UXGA Ultrasharp--makes a HUGE difference!, 40 gig 5400 rpm, 64 mb geforce4, with free!(?) silver palmrests!) is an absolute freaking beast. It works so incredibly well and fast. Just a tad bit slower than my desktop but eons faster than the Inspiron I'm about to give back. The upgrades I got were definitely worth it. The best part is that I got a SECOND $100 off $400 coupon which I am about to use to buy cheap, sell high (made $150 off the first one) and here's hoping that the people at Dell won't realize that I gave back the first one and still honor my $150 rebate
All hail Dell!
[Anybody notice that Michael Dell looks like Fred Savage?]
Go all out and make Dell send it to you next day for free.
Bada bing, bada boom. Outfit your new Inspiron with a full load of memory for 100 bucks. Would have cost you $300 through Dell with the Inspiron purchase (because we all know how difficult it is to snap that second stick into place). Go ahead and fleabay that 128 meg stick for like 30 bucks on eBay.
On a side note, I got my second Inspiron yesterday. I'm going to give back the one I bought a few weeks back (UXGA, 20 gig 4200 rpm, 32 mb geforce2, black palmrests) because this one (UXGA Ultrasharp--makes a HUGE difference!, 40 gig 5400 rpm, 64 mb geforce4, with free!(?) silver palmrests!) is an absolute freaking beast. It works so incredibly well and fast. Just a tad bit slower than my desktop but eons faster than the Inspiron I'm about to give back. The upgrades I got were definitely worth it. The best part is that I got a SECOND $100 off $400 coupon which I am about to use to buy cheap, sell high (made $150 off the first one) and here's hoping that the people at Dell won't realize that I gave back the first one and still honor my $150 rebate
All hail Dell!
[Anybody notice that Michael Dell looks like Fred Savage?]