50% off shipping (up to $25) w/ Airborne Express at Officemax (B&M)


Senior member
Sep 27, 2001
Officemax has just started shipping via Airborne Express through their copymax business. If you go in today you should find coupons that are good for 50% off shipping any one item for each day of this week (11/4 - 11/8). Great deal for anyone doing a lot of fs/t or e-bay stuff.


Junior Member
Oct 11, 2002
i've used Airborne express before and they are utterly horrible. They delivered both my roommate's and my new case to the wrong apartment building, both on separate occations, and guess what? Mine was stolen, and it was a sweet case too. They still haven't sorted it out yet 3 months later, and can't even send me the goddamn claim form. I'm still out $126.

Anyway, yeah, that was a rant, but it's true. Don't trust those MFers


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2000
I use Airborne Express strictly for the business and they deliver on time without a problem. Officemax charges quite a bit so i opened up an account with AE directly - prices are definitely better going direct, plus i can print out the shipping labels, slap it on the package and drop it off.

I then get the invoices at the end of the month. Very convenient IMHO. Plus i get free shipping materials/boxes for Express shipping as well as mailing labels/pouches for other methods.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2002
I use Airborne to ship everything. Its SO MUCH FASTER than anything out there. Most of the items i send get there either overnight - 3 days, (even to cali. from chicago).
Their billing is a joke tho, they will overweight the items, they will charge you the "residence" fee even if it was a buisness. I have to write an e-mail everytime they screw up, then they send me a credit via mail for an invoice i've already paid. Their e-billing and invoice mailings are like two different companies unaware of each other.

They are fast, but thats all they are. They need some UPS style organization.


Apr 9, 2000
I remember one day back when I was in college. A friend and I had a summer construction job together. It was the middle of July and very hot. We were shingling a house in the summer heat, and had gotten down off the roof and sat under a tree to take a break. As we sat there relaxing, all of the sudden, out of nowhere comes this friggen "silver van with a red and black logo on the side" comes flying down the street, hits a dip at an intersection and literally catches about 5 feet of air before hitting the ground and flying past us.

We just looked at each other and simultaniously said "damn...that's some airborne express for ya!"

everytime I see an airborne express van, I laugh and think of that day


Dec 31, 2000
I recently was going to ship a package with Airborne Express and their shipping rates were a little less than
Fed-Ex ground but when I checked on insurance it was almost double.
Airborne Express: .65 per $100
Fed-Ex ground: .35 per $100
So the insuance was more than the shipping for a $1000 value package.
Also I could not find that info anywhere on their website, I had to go there to find out.
Do the math before you ship. If it is under $100 value, Airborne Express may be fine.

I avoid UPS if at all possibe. Worse problems than MasterShake had.