5 Hour Standoff after Cop and Process Server shot

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Because in the USA, we believe in human rights, due process of law, and we are not thuggish brutes. Maybe it will come to that break the door down scenario, but as long is he is holed up and no public danger, its better to hope for a peaceful surrender.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006

Why don't they break the door down and shoot the asshole? I mean, they had no trouble shooting that ex-marine last year during that drug raid. Why not shoot a cop killer?

Dood...California is NOT Arizona.

This happened about 4 miles from where I live. It's a bad part of town...lots of "projects." All the houses in the area have bars over the damned windows.

I was outside having a smoke when this happened. All of a sudden, the air was filled with the sound of a dozen or more sirens..."Huh...I wonder what that's all about?"
Then I came back inside and saw the news story.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
How much resources should we waste on this guy? He's a menace to society and has already killed one cop.

Should we take care of him for life? Spend millions on a trial for him? Spend more millions taking care of him for the next 40 years? He's made his decision already. How many millions have been wasted on him already?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I didn't say anything about that case here. That was horrible on every level. The drug war in the first place, the jack boot tactics and militarized police forces, the murder. I posted in there on victims side.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
As Drebo doubles his defective rant, why should the life of a process server be not worth mentioning in any way and only the cop killing part matters?


Oct 21, 2000
In case you guys aren't familiar, Modesto is a pretty shitty city in CA. I am not surprised and feel bad for the cops.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
In case you guys aren't familiar, Modesto is a pretty shitty city in CA. I am not surprised and feel bad for the cops.
Correct me if I am wrong, but shitty city of not, Modesto, Ca remains under US law. As I am also unaware of double or even triple US justice standards dependent on how "shitty" any given city is.


May 24, 2004
So you're saying that it's OK for authorities to shoot an ex-marine in Arizona, but not a cop killer in California?

While you are saying that it was illogical for a police force in Modesto, California, not to shoot someone because a SWAT team in Tuscon, Arizona did. Actually, you don't even make that much of a distinction. The premise of your original comment basically says you believe law enforcement is like the Borg Collective, with a uniform thought and action across all members.

Get your own logic straight, then maybe you can come back and question other people.
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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
As an update...12 hours later, this is still going on. So far, from what the news is saying, both the deputy sheriff and the process server died on the scene, ths suspect has not been captured, the neighborhood has been evacuated, they've lobbed dozens of tear gas canisters into the residence, used robots to break windows, and they've been throwing in "flashbangs."
Now, there's a home on fire...the news reporters aren't close enough to know if it's the same house or not, but there are no fire trucks on scene, and I live about 1 mile from one of the fire stations that would be called...and no sirens.

it's getting interesting here...

edit: added video


Another edit: Fire department arrived while I was typing the above message. They had been kept away for their safety since the suspect is thought to have several weapons.
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Jun 23, 2004
I agree with the OP, they should have gone in guns blazing.

Maybe they would have destroyed fewer homes.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Another update...the Sheriff now says that it's believed that the number of tear gas canisters and flashbang grenades used is what caused the fire.

Also, the second person killed was not a process server, but may have been a locksmith there with the deputy to unlock the apartment. That's still not confirmed by the police who say they're still in the process of notifying the next of kin.

Reports are all over the place...it was a duplex, it was a four-plex, the guy was former military, (with one station saying someone came by claiming to be a former war buddy of the suspect and asking to be allowed to go try to talk him out) to no military service but was from a military family.

One thing that has stayed fairly constant is that the person who they believe did the shooting has a fairly extensive arsenal of weapons and a large cache of ammunition.

I'm kind of surprised that there hasn't been any explosions or sounds of rounds "cooking off" in the fire.

It looks like the fire department had been held back for their safety, and is still being limited to controlling damage to other structures and pouring water on this one from a distance. The fire chief said that it was "fully engulfed" and at last report, the structure was in the process of collapsing.
I feel for the folks who lived in the adjoining apartments who have lost all their belongings.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
dunno seems that the public is getting pissed off and with all these gun freaks ... I'm not surprised of any of this.

Sad? I suppose. But the writing is on the wall. It's gonna be hell to pay when cops show up at the door. Come on in officer! BANG BANG BANG! IMO were gonna see a lot more of this shit go down.

Lock and Load!!! Watch for law enforcement!


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
After letting the four-plex basically burn to the ground, they are now saying that the gunman is suspected to be dead...but they don't know for sure.

Following the shooting, they were never able to establish communication with the guy, so they don't know for certain if he was even in the building...
Considering the "usual efficiency" of our local police force, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he escaped long before they surrounded the complex.


Still no official word as to the identity of the second person killed.


Apr 8, 2002
Brilliant. So they burned down a 4 plex without even knowing if the suspect was in there?


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Brilliant. So they burned down a 4 plex without even knowing if the suspect was in there?

So it seems. One news story says that as they were bombarding the place with flashbangs, they saw lights turning on/off around the apartment, "confirming" that he was there.

We'll see. I HOPE the guy was in there and didn't escape...but I just don't have a lot of faith in the local cops.


Oct 21, 2000
Reading BoomerD's updates, I am shocked. This seems to have broken ever rule in the Police 101 hand book. Let's recap:

1. They take a cop and a civilian (locksmith; we are not sure) to serve a warrant. Not sure what sort of warrant but given the feedback on the city and neighborhood, it was probably not for unpaid parking tickets.

2. They are both shot and killed.

3. The police surround the house and evacuate the neighborhood. It's unclear if they ever talked to the suspect. No demands are made.

4. They shoot a bunch of teargas and flashbangs in and it causes the house to catch on fire, a la Waco, TX. They don't hear from the suspect, still.

5. The whole place burns down. They still don't hear from him. WTF do they think happened? Of course he's dead.

Now an entire complex is destroyed. Great job Modesto PD.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Reading BoomerD's updates, I am shocked. This seems to have broken ever rule in the Police 101 hand book. Let's recap:

1. They take a cop and a civilian (locksmith; we are not sure) to serve a warrant. Not sure what sort of warrant but given the feedback on the city and neighborhood, it was probably not for unpaid parking tickets.

2. They are both shot and killed.

3. The police surround the house and evacuate the neighborhood. It's unclear if they ever talked to the suspect. No demands are made.

4. They shoot a bunch of teargas and flashbangs in and it causes the house to catch on fire, a la Waco, TX. They don't hear from the suspect, still.

5. The whole place burns down. They still don't hear from him. WTF do they think happened? Of course he's dead.

Now an entire complex is destroyed. Great job Modesto PD.

1. NOT a warrant...an eviction notice. The guy had been through all the steps required to evict him from the building. This was the final step...getting him out. From what's been released, the locksmith was drilling out the lock when the guy started shooting.

2. Yep

3. Yep

4. Yep

5. Apparently so. They're still not sure if he was in there or not...fire department hadn't cleared them into the building at last report.

An entire complex isn't destroyed, only one four-plex in the complex. (still bad enough...I feel for the folks who were in adjacent apartments and have now lost all their possessions. (and possibly pets)

This place has been problems for decades. It started out as a low-income housing project...turned into a ghetto/slum...was completely closed down and all apartments were refurbished...then re-opened with new tenants. It's been slightly better than it was before, but only slightly.



Oct 21, 2000
Thanks for the corrections. Clearly I made some mistakes so it's not good to mislead new readers. Anyway, the whole thing seems like such a waste :(


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Thanks for the corrections. Clearly I made some mistakes so it's not good to mislead new readers. Anyway, the whole thing seems like such a waste :(

Agreed. Modesto's Keystone Cops strike again.

Several years ago, they were part of a drug task force, had gone into a house to arrest a guy...one of the cops "accidentally" shot and killed a child with a shotgun. (the cop had the shotgun, not the child...the child was laying face down on the floor)