4-25-06 IBM announces 50% dividend hike in effort to boost listless stock price


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I normally don't post about stock stuff since it cost me money to get out of the market back in 2003.

This is funny though since it reminds me of the Fedex TV commercial where there is a Company Boss holding a conference around a table with about 11 empty chairs except for one employee because he got rid of all the rest.

Looks like the American Corporate whores are having to pay the piper in so many ways now.

Interesting how IBM fesses up to all the profits due to cost cutting while Republicans insist it is because of an exploding great economy.

The lies and decepetion are coming to roost.

4-25-2006 IBM Ups Dividend 50 Percent to Boost Stock

International Business Machines Corp. increased its dividend by 50 percent Tuesday in an attempt to jolt the technology bellwether's listless stock price.

IBM said the move would transfer an additional $1.9 billion to shareholders per year.

IBM shares have been flat this year after falling 17 percent in 2005, even though the company has been posting healthy profits, including $8 billion last year.

Many analysts worry that IBM's gains are coming mainly from cost cuts that can't go on forever, rather than from growth in the company's key businesses.


Oct 9, 1999
kinda like how the right wing government runs iceland, sells of alot of high profit governmental owned corporations and says look here we have a surplus!