4.1 vs 5.1 for gaming?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
So I'm moving, and I'm getting a real computer room in the new place. I don't watch movies on my PC or listen to music much, the only time I really use sound is when gaming. I've been using a cheap headset, but I'd like to move to a better 3-d sound setup, so I can better locate bad guys. (CS primarily).

1. Is there an advantage to 5.1 over 4.1 in gaming? If so, what is it?
2. Any recommendations on speakers? (<$150 for a set)
3. Does the sub add anything to the gaming experience? What does it add?


Speaker selections w/ prices/links:
6.1 - Monsoon MH-505 PriceGrabber $139 + shipping
5.1 Creative Inspire 5.1 5200 - $56.53 shipped (Provantage.com)
4.1 - BA 7800 HD @ Gateway $149 shipped
4.1 - Logitech z-560 - $144.40 (PC Universe)
4.1 - Logitech z-540 - $61.95 shipped (Tech$avings.com)

edit: Added speaker models/info


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
1. Is there an advantage to 5.1 over 4.1 in gaming? If so, what is it?

Some newer games are starting, or will be, using 5.1 sound. It will give you that little extra pointer on where the sound is, however, it's main (and probably best purpose) is to get the voice coming out of the centre, where the screen is, rather than from 3ft either side of the screen.

2. Any recommendations on speakers? (<$150 for a set)
Some people are recommending the Logitech, or Altec Lansing sets, these are probably your best bet, unless you can find a good deal on a set of Klipsch Pro Media's, what are regarded as the best

3. Does the sub add anything to the gaming experience? What does it add?
The sub gives you the bass. It is non-positional (the human ear can't detect where bass is coming from like it can with higher frequency sounds), and they are designed to purely give you the bass. I quite like it when you can "feel" the kick from the sub as you fire the weapon etc, it gives you that extra feeling of realism :)



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The link you pointed to is actually for new, retail speakers and not refurbs.... Its an awfully good deal for a set that retailed for $299... I ordered a set myself....

I would take a good long look at this deal, I don't think you will get any better for the money... 5.1's are nice, but the Klipsch's retail for $399.....


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Thanks for the input folks...I see the 4.1 entry seems to be leading the way. Keep the responses coming. I'll take a look at that HD...sounds like 50% off, which is GREAT!

Is there a difference between "computer" and "regular" (HT or stereo) speakers?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
I like Headphones.

I paid $42 for my Retail (but used) Turtle Beach Santa Cruz through the forums, and I paid $25 shipped for my headphones. All together, less than $70 for my whole setup. I originally got them for counterstrike, and its more than enough for CS.


May 20, 2002
I've been thinking about a 4.1 or 5.1 system too. People have told me not to buy Klipsch promedia refurbished, they think that Klipsch will never restore sound quality to the factory settings. I've had 4 real choices
klipsch 4.1 refurb
altec lansing 641
Monsoon MH-505


Aug 26, 2001
I have a pair of z560s. They work great in games. If you can find them for 140-50 shipped, that is a great deal on great gaming speakers.


Golden Member
Jan 17, 2003
headphones in games like quake3 and force enemy model you can hear them around the conors easy.!


Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Woodie
So I'm moving, and I'm getting a real computer room in the new place. I don't watch movies on my PC or listen to music much, the only time I really use sound is when gaming. I've been using a cheap headset, but I'd like to move to a better 3-d sound setup, so I can better locate bad guys. (CS primarily).

1. Is there an advantage to 5.1 over 4.1 in gaming? If so, what is it?
2. Any recommendations on speakers? (<$150 for a set)
3. Does the sub add anything to the gaming experience? What does it add?


You will only notice a small difference between the 4.1 and 5.1 for surround sound gaming, but 5.1 rocks with CS! I use the SBLive 5.1 and the Creative Inspire 5.1 analog speakers, and works like a charm in terms of setup. You can actually notice the directional sound and where they are coming from in the game! The only gripe about these speakers are that the wires are built-in, and not very long. But they are fairly inexpensive compared to other "digital" solutions. As for the sub, you will definately notice (rather your neighbors will notice) the sounds of all the gun fire, especially the sniper rifles. :)



Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2003
The 5th speaker(Center) in a 5.1 setup takes care of the speech mainly, you will usually find that the ebst bet is to get 5.1 then upgarde the center speaker to a proper purpose built center. I would deffinately say 5.1 when setup properly but if not set up correctly its no better than 4.1 , the only advantage 5.1 has over 5 is you room moves when the bass kicks in ;)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Thor86
Originally posted by: Woodie
So I'm moving, and I'm getting a real computer room in the new place. I don't watch movies on my PC or listen to music much, the only time I really use sound is when gaming. I've been using a cheap headset, but I'd like to move to a better 3-d sound setup, so I can better locate bad guys. (CS primarily).

1. Is there an advantage to 5.1 over 4.1 in gaming? If so, what is it?
2. Any recommendations on speakers? (<$150 for a set)
3. Does the sub add anything to the gaming experience? What does it add?


You will only notice a small difference between the 4.1 and 5.1 for surround sound gaming, but 5.1 rocks with CS! I use the SBLive 5.1 and the Creative Inspire 5.1 analog speakers, and works like a charm in terms of setup. You can actually notice the directional sound and where they are coming from in the game! The only gripe about these speakers are that the wires are built-in, and not very long. But they are fairly inexpensive compared to other "digital" solutions. As for the sub, you will definately notice (rather your neighbors will notice) the sounds of all the gun fire, especially the sniper rifles. :)

I am almost certain CS does not support 5.1 natively (ie 6 discrete channels)

maybe it is emulated by the sound card?

anyway at a $150 limit i would look to see if you can get a set of BA7800's around from somewhere if you can


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2001
I'm happy with my Logitech Z-540 (4.1 setup) for CS. If you turn it up loud enough, you can hear where the footsteps are coming from. However, be wary that you might get the crap scared out of you when you run into the person and you get shot up :p It's happened to me multiple times and I've had to jump out of my seat...literally. :(

Keep in mind that the speakers are only as good as the sound card that you're using. If you're going to shell out $150 for a good speaker set, make sure you have a good sound card to back it up. I'm using the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. The Audigy and Audigy2 are also popular choices.

Hope this helps. :)


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Well, there's a world of difference here:

BA7800's - $149 shipped (HD @ Gateway)
Logitech z-560 - $144.40 (PC Universe)
Logitech z-540 - $61.95 shipped (Tech$avings.com)
Creative Inspire 5.1 - $56.53 shipped (Provantage)

The last two sets are definately less powerful than the BA's, but what difference will that make in a 10' by 10' room? FYI, I plan to drive these w/ an nForce2 mobo w/ the newer sound chip, ?MSI, but I haven't decided quite yet.



Platinum Member
Feb 27, 2002
Monsoon MH-505 -- If you care about sound quality and want 5.1, get these if your budget is <= $150.

Or you can get those klipsch 4.1s. Good stuff also.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2001
On a CS stand point, you should get a headphone because you can turn up the volumes to hear footsteps without interfering others (family, neighbors).
Also, your reaction time should be better by hearing the sound closer from your ears.
I only use my 5.1 setup to play offline games or watch movies.

p.s. what a gip, I accidentally voted for 4.0, blah.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Woodie
Well, there's a world of difference here:

BA7800's - $149 shipped (HD @ Gateway)
Logitech z-560 - $144.40 (PC Universe)
Logitech z-540 - $61.95 shipped (Tech$avings.com)
Creative Inspire 5.1 - $56.53 shipped (Provantage)

The last two sets are definately less powerful than the BA's, but what difference will that make in a 10' by 10' room? FYI, I plan to drive these w/ an nForce2 mobo w/ the newer sound chip, ?MSI, but I haven't decided quite yet.

IMO the Sound Quality of the BA's is a step above even klispch
for accuracy / clarity i think the BA's cant be beat

if you want pure loudness and boomy bass than logictech z-560's is probably better because the sub on the z560's is probably more powerful but the 7800's are no slouch in this area either


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Woodie
So I'm moving, and I'm getting a real computer room in the new place. I don't watch movies on my PC or listen to music much, the only time I really use sound is when gaming. I've been using a cheap headset, but I'd like to move to a better 3-d sound setup, so I can better locate bad guys. (CS primarily).

1. Is there an advantage to 5.1 over 4.1 in gaming? If so, what is it?
5.1 Is completely useless in the VAST majority of gaming. The centre channel is meant for on screen voice. Most games with the exception of a few RPGs or Adventures don't really have on screen voice.
2. Any recommendations on speakers? (<$150 for a set)
As has been suggsted Klipsch 4.1s or one of the various Logitech z Series 4.1s.
3. Does the sub add anything to the gaming experience? What does it add?
Absolutely although it 'may' not add any positional audio experience it definately adds to the 'ew that was close' or 'OMG that was a big explosion' feeling.
You're welcome ;)



Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
There is no advantage to 5.1 over the 4.1 in gaming. And if you are not going to watch movies, then the 4.1's should be fine. Headphones are actually the best way to game if you ask me. I have both Klipsch 4.1 promedia setup and Denon headphone. For gaming, the headphones win hands down. For listening to music while I work, I prefer the speakers (headphones make my ears hot) as they sound great too, plus I can hear the phone ;)


Senior member
Oct 14, 2002
the 5.1 might be considered a bit better but i cant justify the price difference over 4.1 counterpart


Nov 22, 2002
When I buy speakers, I buy them to last 2 years or more. I've been using the same set of Altec Lansing 2.1's for 4 years now, in fact. However, once the arrangement of my computer room changes (basically, when I move), I will definitely be investing in a set of 5.1's. With more and more games supporting the extra channel of audio, it makes sense to buy it now and ensure that you'll be getting the most out of your games for years to come. I'd rather spend the money now than spend a little less, then spend again in another year when 4.1 just isn't cutting it anymore.


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
bump for the after-school crowd. Besides, I added some speaker information to the first post.

The more I think about it, the more a combination of 4.1 speakers for daytime hours and nice headphones for the evening/night hours makes the best sense. What headphones to add? :confused:

Actually, did a little more research, I'll need a MIC as well. Many threads, no definitive answers. Let's continue this one. :)