3Com internal 56K modem (ISA with DSP chip) .. about connect speeds


Diamond Member
May 22, 2000
Firstly, I run Win98/2K and BeOS 5. For some reason, Windows 98 and 2000 don't connect as high as BeOS. I have the modem stated in the title, I connect at 44000, 45333 and occasionally 48000bps under Windows. Using BeOS (and some 'other' driver that's in the list, since my modem isn't there), I always get 48000! So far I haven't gotten otherwise even once. I don't see how it can do that? At first I thought it was just luck and I had hit 48000 several times, but it keeps doing it and if I hop back to Windows, I get the same 44000/45333 BS.



Dec 2, 1999
Probably the drivers. When a modem connects, it echos back a code telling the application such as DUN what to report the speed as. From there the app looks up in a file what to report. It depends on what is in that file. The other possibility is that the two are using dufferent init strings. You can check them for differences. I assume you are dialing the same service (phone number)? Try this: Open Hyperterminal or the BeOs equiv, and dial the number. You will see the raw connect speed.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh please. 45333 is "BS" while 48000 is "acceptable"? Give me a break. Some people can't even reach that high; consider yourself fortunate! You'll never notice the difference, and you'll likely waste more time trying to resolve the issue than the you would save with the faster connect speed!

Yeah, it's probably a driver issue. Didn't you say earlier you had a Winmodem? If that's the case, variations in drivers make for siginificant performance differences. It could be that the BeOS driver is newer and faster, or that the Windows driver is newer and more stable. Impossible to say, but you should definitely find the exact model # and product ID and get the very latest Windows drivers from 3Com's huge, poorly organized site.



Senior member
Jul 18, 2000
One of my systems has an older Creative Flash 56 ISA modem. When using 98SE's standard driver the connect speed is always reported as the same as the maximum speed I select. Even when I select a speed double the capability of the modem. Using the standard 33k driver the pings are great in TFC. Can normally find servers pinging between 125-180, occasionally faster.


Golden Member
Jul 4, 2000
In Win95-2K, try the 3Com Modem Manager program to monitor the connections because initial connection speed isn't the best indicator of quality.