380W Antec TP or 550W OKIA PSU


Senior member
Aug 30, 2004
Presently I have a 550W OKIA PSU, yeh i know it's crap but it was cheap and i didn't have money to burn, on a good note though it has never given me any trouble for 10 months and it runs my overclocked machine fine (though with 11.9V on the 12V rail).

A friend of mine recently ordered a new PSU and asked me if i wanted to buy his old one (380W Antec TP) for about $25.

What do y'all think? I'm sure the Antec will be able to run my system fine and I am planning on upgrading to A64 in the nearish future, do you reckon i'd be better of with the Antec.

Before anyone says i should simply get an OCZ powerstream or Seasonic - i'd love to but don't have the cash.


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2000
Check out the 12v rails on each. If the antec gives considerably more amperage on 12v+, then you may want to buy it - it's a good price for that power supply. Say if yours is 12v@17a and his is 12v@25a, I'd go with the antec.

Also, if his psu is very old and has been used a lot, you might want to pass on it. All psu's die some day, and the older they are, the more likely they are to die soon :)


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2004
The antec TP 2.0 has 16a and 16a on the two 12v rails. The original TP can take a load of 24a on the 12v rail. I, personally, like the TP2 in my sonata and havent had any problems with it at all.

EDIT: Also, the TP2 is very silent (not sure about the original) which might be another thing to consider. Your current power supply doesnt sound bad, though, so check the rating on the 12v rails, if you have more than 24 or so you should be fine.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Yes, I have a 380 TP running an X2 at 2560, so I don;t know about the other PSU (check the specs, and the weight) but $25 is a great proce for that. If it wasn't for shipping, I would say I'd buy it.


Senior member
Aug 30, 2004
Well, he only lives about half a mile down the road so shipping shouldn't be an issue .. ;).

Thanks for the input guys, seems like too much of a good deal to pass up on, even if i don't use it now when i upgrade to A64 i'll already have a second PSU to run my present system.

By the way my present PSU has 24A on the 12V rail so as long as it don't die everything should be alright ...


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2004
Now it's starting to sound pretty bad. Having a 24A 12v line is pretty horrible for a 550W PSU. Since it seems they just jacked up the 3.3 and 5v lines to raise the total wattage, I'd guess that the 12v stuff is pretty low quality. The psu will probably handle an a64 well enough but I wouldnt put an X2 anywhere near it..


Senior member
Jun 20, 2003
It should be OK as long as it doesn't fluctuate to much below 12v. Overclockin + power suckin Video is another thing.