360 / PS3 Comparison (Done by MS)


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Its from "Major Nelson" (Head of Xbox Live!). It holds the same amount of weight as the graphs Sony showed in their E3 presentation : ZERO.

Frankly it is a dead matter now as both of them have been debunked, rubbished and forgotten.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2002
I'm sure there are threads from when this was published... 6 months ago.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
I wouldn't say the PS3 is better yet. Neither system has even launched yet. We don't know too much about the RSX chip yet. If the RSX gpu is basically a 24-piped 550mhz G70 then I think that 48-pipe(unified) ATI gpu in the 360 will walk all over it. I seriously doubt that the RSX is mainly based off a G70 though and will likely be the other way around. I will be getting a PS3 for GT5.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
Old...and MS leaves out a bunch of things in that...such as 2 of the CPU cores are JUST for the GPU, and that leaves one as a generally CPU core.

Or...at least thats what i've heard, but dont quote me on it.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Piuc2020
Cheap shot MS, cheap shot.

PS3 is better, common sense should tell you that.

ps3 is theroticalyl nbetter but truthfully, it wont be. the gpu assumption is correct. the cell has a modified g70 under the hood. current gen, possibly add 8 more pipes. the Xbox360 has 48unified shaders.

the memory assumption is probably correct. it does have that much more bandwith due to that weird 10mb ram thing.

the cpu though is where it gets tricky. 3 dualcores or 1 core and 7spes? that means ps3 p[hysocs will be better, but not much else, the 3 cores of the xbox will be easier to program for so while there will be a few ps3 titles, probably mainly fomr SCE or SOE, the majority of crossplatform games will look identical.
Dec 31, 2004
This was put out by Major Nelson but he didn't put these together himself, the technical guys of the Xbox team did and they only used Major as their messenger. IMO, the Cell is a whole load of nonsense, i've seen all these technical demonstrations that Sony put out for the Cell and I find them to be total bull, maybe the physics and everything is correct, but these SPE's are nothing more then 7 undercapable processing units, versus 6 identical hardware threads, the programmability in the long run will show the 360 to be more powerful.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2003
Anantech had a hardware reviews of both consoles a while back and then later took it down because of pressure from MS and SONY.

There findings were that both consoles although very different came up pretty even in performance with PS3 Edging out X360 but X360 being easier to work with.

The RSX has 24 dedicated Pipelines and 8 dedicated vertex shaders
The Xbox R500 has 48 Unified pipelines.

These GPU?s can not be compared as the RSX uses conventional graphics and the x360?s R500 is something that although is the future of graphics at the moment is more of a hinder to performance then a jump and requires an excessive amount of pipelines to stay competitive with current Videocard Tech.

When Nvidia and ATI move to Unified graphics for PC don?t be surprised to see 64+ pipeline cards hit the market.

Both Consols have crippled CPU?s with very little cache and are relying on the GPU?s to be there saving grace. This means those FPS games will run and look great but RTS games will be somewhat limited.. Well at least until they start coding multithreaded games ?. Anandtech said at the moment with single threaded games these 3Ghz+ CPU?s have about the same power of a single 1.4Ghz Pentium3 or Athlon

They also mentioned that if 1 had came out with a Dual Athlon64 it would have been 4 times faster then the other console but price played a really big factor in why Sony and MS went this rout as these Multy CPU?s are very cheap to make. And they control the ownership. .. Paying Intel or AMD for a Product can be very costly and these two companies would never allow someone else to manufacture there stuff.

The Celeron 700Mhz CPU in the original Xbox was a big mistake for MS but a huge money maker for Intel. ^_^

I?m not 100% on everything ive written here so please feel free to correct me if I?m wrong buts it?s the best I can recall from reading the original Anandtech review. That was deleted for some reason.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Who should care.

It all comes down to the games themselves anyway.

Consoles are not meant for this type of dicussions and comparisons. You insert the game media in it, turn it on, and play the game.

You like the game or not. But you don't care what's making that game run behind. As long as it makes it run.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
People are arguing about that in another thread. We're arguing about hardware and it's going to stay that way :D


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
FOR GOD SAKE >... THIS IS SO FREAKEN OLD ... Noob ! M$ did this as a counter attack because KK and his high big head started to say all the bull crap about ps3 being a super computer , being 6 times faster than XBOX360 and all the other bull crap that went along with it. If you remember e3 2005 every stupid non-hardware knoweldge editor/media passed on the message that PS3 was actually a supercomputer and it was 1% of the speed of brain and all the other bullshit went along with it.

ahh ! you belong in the system war at gamespot where all the lamer battle it out every day in cheap attacks... http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_topics.php?board_id=314159282 ! tag your self cow = Playstation fan boy and you will be except by all the other ....


Senior member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: videoclone
The Celeron 700Mhz CPU in the original Xbox was a big mistake for MS but a huge money maker for Intel. ^_^

actually it's a PIII 733MHz (link). people mod their xbox's with celerons :)



Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: fliguy84
Originally posted by: videoclone
The Celeron 700Mhz CPU in the original Xbox was a big mistake for MS but a huge money maker for Intel. ^_^

actually it's a PIII 733MHz (link). people mod their xbox's with celerons :)

Actually it's not really either. It has less cache than a P3, but more than a Celeron. I declare it a Penteron!


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2000
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
These forums really need a console section. I don't care about consoles and they have no relevance to PC video cards.

I agree! :thumbsup:

As others have said, it's all about the games, not the hardware, to the true console enthusiasts. All they care about is being able to put in any [console type] game in the unit, power it on, and play away. No hardware upgrades, no software updates, no patches, etc to worry about. I'm buying a Xbox 360...why? HALO 3! :D Of course, it probably won't be right away when they come out, but nonetheless, it's about the GAMES!