I'm on my second Westy from BB. Both are the same model, LTV32W6. The first had firmware 4.02. The second has 3.02. The quality on both units was less than stellar. The problems with the first (fw 4.02) included pixels that stayed lit with either blue or red, sound not in sync (OTA) with program (DVD sound stayed in sync just fine), and system freezing up requiring power cord removal. The second (fw 3.02) has screen imperfections (dings), tuner not as sensitive (noisy OTA image), sound doesn't stay in sync (OTA), and light bleeding in the 4 corners even with the backlight turned all the way down. Neither set does PIP even though BB web site claims they will. The sound not staying in sync may be from the broadcast source and not the set at all. DVDs work just fine and stay in sync.
The unit was cheap, $615 plus tax. Locally, Colorado, there is no technical support from authorized service centers. The claim is that the unit is too new and it will take 3 to 6 months for the centers to come up to speed.
AVS_Forum has a long thread on the Westy's and many folks like them and have had very few issues with them. So you might get one that's just fine. I'd recommend that you check the first character of the serial number and try and get one with the letter 'C' or higher. You'll get one with the newer firmware in it.
The set that the Westy has replaced was an old tube Sony 27XBR.