OK...someone explain this to me....
The point of having an MP3-type player is so that you can store hours of music, and not have to mess around with switching CDs, etc, right? Well, before you go out and buy this billion gigabyte (or whatever) MP3 player, just think about the fact that even though you have 3 weeks worth of music, you have to switch the batteries every 6-7 hours or however long they last. Well, doesn't that defeat the purpose? You may not have to switch CDs, but you're still going to have to stop what you're doing and switch the batteries! At that point you might as well switch a CD, too! I'm sorry for babbling, but my point is (IMHO), DON'T waste your money on some 30gb MP3 player...either buy a 6GB or an MP3-CD player! Why waste money?! Maybe there's another, different reason to get one with so much storage...if there is, please someone let me know.
I have an Rio Mp3-CD player, and even though it "only" holds about 9-10 hours of music, I STILL find myself switching the batteries a while before I find myself switching the CD. The need for more than 700mb of music at one time is beyond me. Just carry 3 CDs with you, there's a reason they are called "compact" discs!
Well, thanks for reading my BS for those of you who did.