Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: bennylong
I didn't even know there as limit to the # of cell phones you can buy. If a white, asian, or black men bought 1000 cell phones, would the Wal Mart workers have made those phone calls?
I guess if you're a Middle Easterners, don't go buying pre paid cell phone if you don't want to end up in prison for 20 years!
Of course they can buy phones, just not in bulk. After the trademark of explosive devises I can see where they are comming from, sad of course, but the activity of Muslims, and the failure of moderate muslims to speak out against the extremist did this to themselves.
Yeah, and all those guys pulled over for "driving while black" are just getting what was coming to them...why don't they do something about all the crimes other black people commit?
As much as racial profilling is a sad state, it exists for a reason, perhaps people should try and take of that reason first.
I've heard the argument before, and it really doesn't make sense. Yeah, most of the threats today seem to come from radical Muslims, but there is a difference between saying most terrorists are Muslim and most Muslims are terrorists. Racial profiling is a stupid security policy because it results in silly decision making, where watching everyone from the "bad group" is good for security. But even among the profiled group, so few people are criminals that treating them differently makes no sense. The chances that a Muslim buying a lot of phones is a terrorist are only slightly higher than the chances a Christian doing the same thing is a terrorist...among the factors that should be used as warning signs of terrorist activity, racial profiling is among the worst. If it has any value at all, it should be used last to narrow down the list of suspects...mostly because it doesn't really narrow down the list very much at all.
Look at it this way, every innocent Muslim or Arab hassled by cops engaging in racial profiling is one less chance to catch an actual terrorist. If the policy is to just look for activity that is actually suspicious, regardless of race, the chances of catching the bad guys are much better. Once you introduce the idea of being on the lookout for Muslims, every Muslim is going to start looking like a bad guy, and a lot of time is going to go into harassing people who have done nothing wrong. It's just human nature.