DD has been way cheaper AFAIK.
3rd-party DRM: Solidshield Tages SAS 3 machine activation limit
Remember that swapping any part of your computer hardware uses another activation, and there is no method to getting them back.
EDIT: It seems that after a lot of negative press Ubisoft has allowed us to swap graphics cards in our computers! That's so nice of them. The activation limit still gets eaten up when you swap other components in your box, and you still can't de-activate an install.
I'd probably own Anno if it wasn't for the DRM. They could give it away and there'd still be no way in hell I'm getting the way it is.
This is what reddit has to say about Anno's DRM.
I'm not nearly as anti-DRM as most, I can't remember avoiding a title over it, but this case sounds ridiculous. I think it makes sense to let them know that.
I can't see any reason for them not to provide a key retrieval unintstall so you can move the game you paid for.
how is dungeon defender? what kind of game is it?