A64 3200+
9800 Pro 128mb
1gig corsair ddr 3200
is a score of 2296 acceptable with 3DMark05? Or should I be in the 2300 range? Also, why does the score keep changing every different time 3DMark05 is run?
That is very acceptable. Also DO NOT base things off of 3dMark... it gives you an idea of how your system will perform however if your game run fine and your happy it doesn't matter what it says. It should go up after every run as Textures and what not are getting cached.
i'm scoring between 2000 and 2050 with latest Cats and AI on with my xp2000+ oc'd to 2600+, 512MB pc3200 (but in sync), 9800 pro 128 (at stock) on my A7V8X...AFAIK anywhere in the low 2000s is a perfectly acceptable 3dmark05 score with a 9800pro 128-but as mr.Gamingphreek above says if your games run fine and you are happy- 3dmark can go blow really
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