2048-bit RSA Proctection?! Microsoft ends a DC Project trying to crack it's own Xbox Private key.


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2001
Yea, go miscrosoft.

These use this protection fo their private key in encrypting games for the Xbox. Was reading this article at Slashdot abouta DC Project that got shutdown. Score another for Microsoft, right? What are your feelings on this? You might want to read through the comments on the article to get a feel for both sides of the fence. The general debate is, "This is protected information and should be protect, even if it is Microsoft." and "You bought the hardware, it's your software, you should be able to do waht you want."

Hacker vs. Capitalism

Slashdot Article - Xbox private Key Challenege Ended

*Edit: How many different sequences are there in 2048 bits? isn't it (2 x 2048!) :confused:? Even if it were a DC effort, that would take decades!!!


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
as you point out, it was a waste of time

as for public cracking projects, i have no problem with the owner of the key shutting down an unauthorized effort to crack their code

legitimate cracking projects only work on "model" keys or in other words , keys that are setup for the purpose of demonstrating they can/can't be cracked, they aren't used to protect "Real" data/info

but seeing how many computers it takes to guess a number (brute force cracks are essentially "guess a number" projects) is a waste of resources , IMO


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
2 x 2048 could be solved in seconds.
2048 bit = 2^2048 (approx 3.231700607131100730071487668867e+616)


Diamond Member
Feb 9, 2001
Technically a license for a product only allows you the right to use the product. You don't own it.


Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Placer14
Yea, go miscrosoft.

These use this protection fo their private key in encrypting games for the Xbox. Was reading this article at Slashdot abouta DC Project that got shutdown. Score another for Microsoft, right? What are your feelings on this? You might want to read through the comments on the article to get a feel for both sides of the fence. The general debate is, "This is protected information and should be protect, even if it is Microsoft." and "You bought the hardware, it's your software, you should be able to do waht you want."

Hacker vs. Capitalism

Slashdot Article - Xbox private Key Challenege Ended

*Edit: How many different sequences are there in 2048 bits? isn't it (2 x 2048!) :confused:? Even if it were a DC effort, that would take decades!!!

damn youre stupid, its 2^2048 not 2 x 2048 .


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2001
Explain your POV as far as different between hacker vs democracy.

FoBoT...what other way is there to brute force a key other than number guess. I mean you could create an algorithm to go thorugh the alterations in a fashion that possible hit the correct key faster, but that's still number guessing (even though efficient number guessing).

When you're trying to guess a random number of items, there's no scientific way to go about it other than guess.

Originally posted by: Ameesh
Originally posted by: Placer14
Yea, go miscrosoft.

These use this protection fo their private key in encrypting games for the Xbox. Was reading this article at Slashdot abouta DC Project that got shutdown. Score another for Microsoft, right? What are your feelings on this? You might want to read through the comments on the article to get a feel for both sides of the fence. The general debate is, "This is protected information and should be protect, even if it is Microsoft." and "You bought the hardware, it's your software, you should be able to do waht you want."

Hacker vs. Capitalism

Slashdot Article - Xbox private Key Challenege Ended

*Edit: How many different sequences are there in 2048 bits? isn't it (2 x 2048!) :confused:? Even if it were a DC effort, that would take decades!!!

damn youre stupid, its 2^2048 not 2 x 2048 .

Which is why I put it in the form of a question, numbnutz. Thanks. :)


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Placer14
Yea, go miscrosoft.

These use this protection fo their private key in encrypting games for the Xbox. Was reading this article at Slashdot abouta DC Project that got shutdown. Score another for Microsoft, right? What are your feelings on this? You might want to read through the comments on the article to get a feel for both sides of the fence. The general debate is, "This is protected information and should be protect, even if it is Microsoft." and "You bought the hardware, it's your software, you should be able to do waht you want."

Hacker vs. Capitalism

Slashdot Article - Xbox private Key Challenege Ended

*Edit: How many different sequences are there in 2048 bits? isn't it (2 x 2048!) :confused:? Even if it were a DC effort, that would take decades!!!

isn't it 2^2048??



Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Ameesh
Originally posted by: Placer14
Yea, go miscrosoft.

These use this protection fo their private key in encrypting games for the Xbox. Was reading this article at Slashdot abouta DC Project that got shutdown. Score another for Microsoft, right? What are your feelings on this? You might want to read through the comments on the article to get a feel for both sides of the fence. The general debate is, "This is protected information and should be protect, even if it is Microsoft." and "You bought the hardware, it's your software, you should be able to do waht you want."

Hacker vs. Capitalism

Slashdot Article - Xbox private Key Challenege Ended

*Edit: How many different sequences are there in 2048 bits? isn't it (2 x 2048!) :confused:? Even if it were a DC effort, that would take decades!!!

damn youre stupid, its 2^2048 not 2 x 2048 .
oh, shut up.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999

Best I could come up with too, I don't have a better calculator available at the moment.

Viper GTS


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by: NuclearFusi0n
2 x 2048 could be solved in seconds.
2048 bit = 2^2048 (approx 3.231700607131100730071487668867e+616)

Please note the "!" after the 2048. I thought it was 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x ... x 2048. essentially, "2048!"

but as Ameesh so bluntly put it, i'm stupid.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Placer14
Originally posted by: NuclearFusi0n
2 x 2048 could be solved in seconds.
2048 bit = 2^2048 (approx 3.231700607131100730071487668867e+616)

Please note the "!" after the 2048. I thought it was 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x ... x 2048. essentially, "2048!"

but as Ameesh so bluntly put it, i'm stupid.



Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
omg cracking 2048 bits? thats just crazy

would make an interesting senior project to say the least