2007 PC Expansion pack of the year


Feb 8, 2004
I know some of these can be run without the original game, the line between expansion and full blown game is a bit blurry these days but i consider the above to be expansions of their original game, even though some can be run independently.

If theres anything big i missed say so and ill add it, or just vote "other" and say what it is in the thread.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Company of Heroes, Opposing Fronts, hands down. Come on, 2 new factions, incredible diversity in multiplayer, totally new tactics, VERY new units, weapons, toys, all that, still has the slight quaint RPG feel, and yet new tactics and strategies become the norm.

It deserves a 96%.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2006
I love Oblivion to death so my vote goes towards Shivering Isles


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: TehMac
Company of Heroes, Opposing Fronts, hands down. Come on, 2 new factions, incredible diversity in multiplayer, totally new tactics, VERY new units, weapons, toys, all that, still has the slight quaint RPG feel, and yet new tactics and strategies become the norm.

It deserves a 96%.

Yeah thats what i voted, it has the "unique Jagdpanther" too, very badass tank destroyer.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Kromis
I love Oblivion to death so my vote goes towards Shivering Isles


SI improved over the original and addressed several of the big complaints about vanilla Oblivion including lack of recognition as you progressed and very few voice differences in the NPCs. The story was tighter overall and Mania and Dementia were welcome additions to the TES:IV world.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: TehMac
Company of Heroes, Opposing Fronts, hands down. Come on, 2 new factions, incredible diversity in multiplayer, totally new tactics, VERY new units, weapons, toys, all that, still has the slight quaint RPG feel, and yet new tactics and strategies become the norm.

It deserves a 96%.

Yeah thats what i voted, it has the "unique Jagdpanther" too, very badass tank destroyer.

Meh, what was so unique about the Jagdpanther? I mean c'mon, certainly you've played /godmode in other games. :p Its like a King Tiger on steroids and that one mission where you could use two....I just ran around with 2 of those and a repair tank. But seriously I think WiC is so much better in every area except for story. CoH story + WiC engine would be a sick RTS.

Also, Immortal Throne was released early this year, another excellent expansion.


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: chizow
Originally posted by: Soviet
Originally posted by: TehMac
Company of Heroes, Opposing Fronts, hands down. Come on, 2 new factions, incredible diversity in multiplayer, totally new tactics, VERY new units, weapons, toys, all that, still has the slight quaint RPG feel, and yet new tactics and strategies become the norm.

It deserves a 96%.

Yeah thats what i voted, it has the "unique Jagdpanther" too, very badass tank destroyer.

Meh, what was so unique about the Jagdpanther? I mean c'mon, certainly you've played /godmode in other games. :p Its like a King Tiger on steroids and that one mission where you could use two....I just ran around with 2 of those and a repair tank. But seriously I think WiC is so much better in every area except for story. CoH story + WiC engine would be a sick RTS.

Also, Immortal Throne was released early this year, another excellent expansion.

I actually liked the WiC story, thought it was really good with lots of nice late 80's touches in there as well. The tears for fears song at the end, the guys with the CD player lol what the hell guys wheres your ipod! Oh yeah its 1989... The storyline was good for a 2007 RTS.

The WiC campaign was better than the CoH one, CoH was tacked on but i like CoH's multiplayer a lot more, mainly because WiC multiplayer dosent connect (if it did i still think i would like CoH more but ill never know). Its kept me occupied for a lot longer than any RTS game has since Red alert 2. The original CoH was boring for me, same battle every time really, but with two new sides to mix it up and 3 doctrines for each, every battle presents a unique challenge and is different, its really livened up CoH for me and turned it into a game ill keep going back to. Also the online component is extremely well laid out, bored while waiting for players to join? No problem! You can chat in the lobby at the same time. None english players wont change teams because you dont want their skilless ass on your side? No problem! You can move them to the other team yourself (providing your the host of course). CoH online is hella fun nowadays.


Jun 30, 2003
i voted HL2: EP2

i haven't played all the other games because i don't have that big a game budget, but EP2 *blew me away*

simply put, i played HL2 and EP1 so I could beat them. In EP2, i genuinely wanted to progress through the game so i could advance the plot and learn more about all of the characters as well as the main plot/objective. IMO, EP2 outshines HL2 and EP1 by a huge margin simply from a action/story POV.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2002
Tie between EP2 and SI; I opted for SI b/c there's so much more content, and it made a strong effort to correct the weaknesses often cited in Oblivion.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Voted Shivering Isles, which was great, but I just remembered that I got Medieval 2: Kingdoms and that occupied more time than any other game this year. Artistically and creativally, it's still Shivering Isles.


Golden Member
Dec 16, 2003
If you are going to put in MMOs you need to include all that have expansions in 2007.

EQ 1 and 2...

EQ II's expansion: Rise of Kunark.

Not sure if people care about 1 or not.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Originally posted by: chizow
CoH story + modified CoH engine would be a sick RTS.

Also, Immortal Throne was released early this year, another excellent expansion.

fixed. The WiC Engine sucks compared to the CoH engine.

In the WiC engine, troops just stand there whilst getting pelted with arty fire, whereas in CoH, troops run around, trying to spread apart and avoid the shells.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: TehMac
Originally posted by: chizow
CoH story + modified CoH engine would be a sick RTS.

Also, Immortal Throne was released early this year, another excellent expansion.

fixed. The WiC Engine sucks compared to the CoH engine.

In the WiC engine, troops just stand there whilst getting pelted with arty fire, whereas in CoH, troops run around, trying to spread apart and avoid the shells.

Uh, that's AI, and even at a stretch, physics (as they're kinda just blasted around rather than running around). WiC's engine destroys CoH's though. Fully 3D, scalable, rotatable, actual terrain, you name it. Its just a much better engine in every aspect.