200 DVD Blanks for ~$23 shipped!!! (after coupon and PM)


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2001
ripped from bigwallet:

all the credit goes to winded, racket24 and vtrain for this one, i am just making a new thread since nobody seems to have noticed the other one with the OD title

1. get a 30/150 coupon for Staples from various sources

2. buy the following:

---2 50 packs of maxell DVD +R's for $40 each item # 573411
+R link
---2 50 packs of maxell DVD -R's for $40 each item # 573525
-R link

total $160

apply $30 coupon

total $130 + tax should be around $142

3. EZ PM to OfficeDepot, who is having a buy 1 get 1 free on these for $30 each (100 for $30)

OD link to deal

DVD +R item # 582496
DVD -R item # 582488

110% PM should net you back around $120 on your CC ($25 x 4 x 110% PM + tax)

after PM total $22!!!!!

as always YMMV, but i have done this PM via staples online chat and vtrain did it via phone 1-800-3staple


you can do the PM easily even after coupon use through online chat. (which I personally verfied)


Platinum Member
Nov 7, 2000
jumped on this when it was first posted on fw :) $21 taxed & shipped for 200 DVDR from Maxell is super hot imo. dvd-r is ritekg05 8x dvd+r is made from japan.. haven't tried it yet.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
Abuse of price matching. Have fun with it. Most of us have some scruples though.