Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Nothing to see here, right Tod? Your mockery of this war is a shame.
Way to use google and link unrelated events. Yes, my mockery is emboldened by your sides war mongering, endless incompetence and countless lies and exaggerations.
Every two bit Muslim who gets caught supporting some two bit ME group is not proof of some massive world war. They are breaking laws and are prosecuted by their peers. End of story. I know with the Cold War being over you need a new cause to spread fear to grab power and justify military spending, but waging traditional war on a political tool (terrorism) is stupid. You want to end terrorist recruiting? Tanks and bombs won't do it. You need education, economic growth, end occupations, etc. But I'm sure this is all over your simple head, "blow them up" is more for your ilk.
So spouting off your favorite ?it?s the neo-cons? talking points and agenda, while making stereotypes, is how you respond to the facts that Hezbollah operates in the USA. This is a proof positive example of partisan fighting trumping the clear thinking that these actions are not isolated.
Not connected? Islamic terrorist groups and Dearborn, Michigan. Hezbollah material support, and large Hezbollah rallies. Nope, not a connection in sight for you, eh?
waging traditional war on a political tool (terrorism) is stupid.
Political tool? So political tools blow themselves up explicitly to kill others, have Nuclear Technology, and wage wars? I suppose you could just example us as the evil ones again, that?s a neat trick.
No, terrorism consists of conventional soldiers taking off their uniforms so they aren?t easily identified and then proceed to wage war against and from within civilian populations. An advent born from the simple fact that any solider WITH their uniforms could be identified and killed.
You want to end terrorist recruiting? Tanks and bombs won't do it. You need education, economic growth, end occupations, etc. But I'm sure this is all over your simple head, "blow them up" is more for your ilk.
Stop right there. How do you propose solutions for something you deny exists? You mock the capture of Hezbollah and other terrorist agents inside the USA. You claim it?s not connected, you keep on minimizing the threat but now you?re telling me all about solutions?
First identify the problem and recognize it for what it is before you rush ahead to presume how to fix it. I?ve not brought up solutions in this thread; I?m debunking your mockery and mitigation of the entire situation.
This is a war that is global and without borders. Borne from the ideology that we should all die. It is being waged right here at home as well as abroad.