2.8C @ 3.22 ghz: Hit the wall at 231 mhz FSB...now what?


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Hello All,

My system:

-P4C 2.8 (have the stepping around here somewhere if interested)..HT Enabled
-Abit Max 3
-1 GB corsair pc-3700
-465W Enermax PSU
-SLK-900U + Smart fan 2 @ full speed
-34 GB raptor :)

-I have begun overclocking this cpu and now i find myself @ 14x 230 @ 1.55V (1.488 to 1.504 Actual- Chip is a 1.525V variant)
-Ram is set to 230 Mhz @ default settings ( By SPD 3-4-4-7..eek), 2.65V (up from 2.6V for stability)

Stability Testing:

-1 INstance SOB (seventeen or BUST) ...Distributed Computing Client that is much like Prime. Errors out very soon if problem is present
-2 Instances of Seti@home
-Chessbrain (another Distributed Project) running periodically in the background that takes the cycles away from SEti and SOB
-1 Instance of Prime 95
-SuperPi to 32Million digits

This Trio of Programs all take any available cycles and tax the system 100% so i believe if it can pass all these over extended period of time the pc is Stable (i.e. with the programs all also fighting for cycles from one another)

Now my Problem:

- I want More but the Ram is the limiting Factor. It cannot go much further than 233 Mhz and i do not want to increase the memory past 2.7V
-The processor is running @ 38-40C after hours of 100% cpu usage (diode underneath CPU + case temp is only 18C..yes its a cold room :D )
- I believe the processor can go further but the ram is limiting, should i Enable a divider and clock the Ram lower but up the FSB?

-If YES, what should be the proper ration i should use? & also, how high must the fsb/CPU clock to overcome the memory deficiency (i.e. the memory running lower than before).
-Finally, what is the safe voltage for a P4C 2.8Ghz CPU? (And remember Abit Undervolts)

Thank you Everyone!!!!



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
I don't know which ratios you have but don't forget if you try a lower RAM speed you can then decrease latencies:)
(I expect someone will answer your questions soon;))


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Thanks for the bump Assim. I know that there has been a lot of contention between Higher Ram speed vs. Higher overall O/C with some saying a 300 mhz overclock of what i have currently is necessary with others saying only another 1-2% overclock would make up for the deficiency in the difference.

I dont believe i can decrease the latencies too much b/c of the nature of my ram. It *might* take lower latencies or it might not (i.e. much like early pc4000 modules that did not do low latencies even @ pc 3200 speeds)


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003

I seem to hit a wall @ 231mhz. I can run at 230 mhz perfectly stable but at 231 mhz FSB/RAM the system just doesnt Post and i have to clear the Cmos.

Tried upping the voltage from 1.55 to 1.6V and nothing.



Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2003
Try 1.65. You can go up to 1.7 but not any more than that.

You can safely to 2.8 ddr.

What have you done to your northbridge hsf? Have you put AS3 on there yet? You need to!


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
the typical list of things to do to get an IC7 to run further......

vdimm = 2.8v
CPC = disabled
RDA = disabled
GAT = auto
5:4 or 3:2 mem ratio (assuming your mem can even do it, alot of garbage cant)
i dont suggest more then 1.6v (bios) vcore
try the other 2 ram slots

HTH :)


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Thanks for the Great Responses Guys..

Well for starters here goes:

My Northbridge has a monster Heatsink on it with a fan that spins around 4800 RPM, it's quite nice and for thos eof u htat haven't seen my mobo..here it is :


Quite nice and there is even a cooling assembly over the main ?mosfets? and such....

-What is RDA?, i will disable CPC but i dunno about RDA,
-1.6V in bios = about 1.55-1.56 actual
-Gat IS on auto
-Memory is by SPD (3-4-4-7 :( :( :( )
-Can't do a 5:4 or a 3:2 mem ratio...Why is this? It's Corsair XMS PC-3700...i know OCZ and the like are better but i got this as the fastest "performance" pc-3700 for the biggest bang per buck (1 GB was comparable to only 512MB OCZ)...perhaps a 2.8vdimm will help

As i said, the cooling is great. right now its a little above 40 C (after allllll day full load) simply b/c the heat is on, otherwise in the morning with the heat off the cpu was hovering around 32-34C with system temps = 18C...


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
I dont see a reason why your 3700 ram will not want to work with 3:2 or 5:4 ratios

For starters set your GAT at Auto-Auto-Auto-Auto-Auto then you can tweak it later and leave memory timings at SPD

You are safe to have the Vcore up to 1.70Volts if you have sufficient cooling but for reasonable amount 1.65 should be pretty safe for the long term.

I have Abit IS7 and I set mine at 1.575Vcore with actual being from 1.49-1.51V at Full Load

Set the ratio at 5:4 and FSB @CPU or instead of 800FSB in the bios

then start off at 231 where you left off and your ram would then be 185(370mhz) then start increasing the CPU speed

You can safely set your ram at 2.70Volts and the new ram is comfortable at 2.8Volts (with Abit boards this should be around 2.75 since they undervolt this too)

let us know if the ratios work because it seems very strange for them not too and Corsair is on par with OCZ so you have nothing to worry about


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Originally posted by: RussianSensation

Set the ratio at 5:4 and FSB @CPU or instead of 800FSB in the bios

When i tried a 5:4 ratio the system would not post and i had to reset the Cmos. I have the option of changing the ratios and then there are some options of running the FSB PS400 PS566 PS800 BY CPU...I have it running BY CPu (default,) is this correct?

Thank you everyone!

And Cooling is NOT an option by any stretch of the imagination. HOttest it gets after 24/7 Full load is 42 C...that's WITH the heat on high in my room :D (diode underneath cpu)



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Once again set vdimm to 2.8v or 2.9v....This is safe and even some tech support places from the manufacturers are suggesting this...DO IT!!!

The RDA is right above the CPC...

What bios are you using??? Try a newer one if you don't have latest installed...They have a nice windows based application to do it now at abit support...

I would set the NB strap to 800 and not cpu.... Use 1:1.....

I think this may be a memory incompatability cause at low fsb which this is I haven't seen ppl having problems running 1:1...I can run my pc3500 at 1:1 with 233fsb with cas 2.5,8,3,3 100% stable....Either sh^t memory or compatbality issue..hence check for bios update....


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Thanks for the good response DUvie. As it has been a really long day of work i will do the smart thing and not mess with my bios at this moment ;)

Will update you guys tomorrow. Thanks for the great responses!