Look into those too, they provide good battery life with decent performance, I wouldn't go for a regular Pentium 4 in a laptop becuz they suck down a lot of power from what I've heard.
Well what are you going to be using the laptop for? If its gaming (which I would advise against anyway) then go for the Pentium4 because that is a better deal. If its just web browsing, Office, and e-mail then the Celeron would do just fine. Furthermore is the price difference worth the Pentium4?
I'm pretty sure its not a Centrino since I haven't seen Centrinos at 2.2Ghz before....but if you can get a Centrino instead jump on that because you are going to have a much better battery life usage since the processor is "Asleep" and turns on when it needs to rather than staying on and then turning off when it needs to (read that Anadtech Article to get a better idea on what I mean)
But if Its between the two I would see if the Celeron had a longer battery life because if I did I would buy it since I wouldn't buy a laptop for gaming
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