2.4 Ghz Remote Phone/caller ID $14.99 AR @ OM


Aug 28, 2002
I picked up a real nice little phone today at my local Office Max Reg. $50 with $25.00 Instant rebate and a $10 MIR. It an unknown brand (Curtis) but it seems well made. It uses 3 AAA NIMH batteries(included) instead of those expensive Nicad packs. It's got alot of features and a nice LCD display. Only problem is I also picked up a "free after rebate" speakerphone with $10 MIR and I found out it's on the same rebate form as the remote phone. And of course it says only one rebate per household. I guess I'll need to send one rebate with my business address. There is no mention that the rebate is only for one of the phones in Sunday's ad so screw 'em.;)