Originally posted by: MonKENy
thank you, This is like my 5th timr trying to put together a rig. everytime I get ready to start I get hit w/some kinda financial hardship. Im probably just gonna buy a part every month/couple months and go slow and watch the deals.
If thats the case, what I said could be wrong.
Motherboards often support new procs as long as the pins
aren't(that was a typo, had "are" before, haha) switched around, and cpu prices can go down drastically in the length of a few months. You might limit yourself buying a motherboard first, but buying a cpu first you KNOW you're limiting yourself.
Things like cases and PSUs are components which probably won't steeply drop in price over a few months, which would make investing in them a good idea.
(If my logic is flawed, someone correct it please, I've always bought components at the same time, and I'm just using logic to give advice here, I have no real experience with building a rig over a long period of time, so MonKEny, don't trust the stuff I wrote)