1st step to new build?


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
I should really know the question to this but...well I dont...When Building a new PC from scratch what would be the 1st piece? As in What should you base the build around..The Motherboard? The VC?


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005


(mobo is determined by slot RAM is determined by mobo, GPU/monitor is determined by CPU's capabilities)

(also, a rig has to be looked at as a system, no one piece is more important, but still, everything else depends somsewhat on CPU choice)


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
thank you, This is like my 5th timr trying to put together a rig. everytime I get ready to start I get hit w/some kinda financial hardship. Im probably just gonna buy a part every month/couple months and go slow and watch the deals.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: MonKENy
thank you, This is like my 5th timr trying to put together a rig. everytime I get ready to start I get hit w/some kinda financial hardship. Im probably just gonna buy a part every month/couple months and go slow and watch the deals.

If thats the case, what I said could be wrong.

Motherboards often support new procs as long as the pins aren't(that was a typo, had "are" before, haha) switched around, and cpu prices can go down drastically in the length of a few months. You might limit yourself buying a motherboard first, but buying a cpu first you KNOW you're limiting yourself.

Things like cases and PSUs are components which probably won't steeply drop in price over a few months, which would make investing in them a good idea.

(If my logic is flawed, someone correct it please, I've always bought components at the same time, and I'm just using logic to give advice here, I have no real experience with building a rig over a long period of time, so MonKEny, don't trust the stuff I wrote)


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
Well I guess I could just price the system I want and then instead of buying parts and then when i can "afford" all the parts just buy the best I can at that time.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: MonKENy
Well I guess I could just price the system I want and then instead of buying parts and then when i can "afford" all the parts just buy the best I can at that time.

That would be best, because prices are always falling, just saving up till you can afford the system in your price range will yield much better results then buying parts over time.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2007
Actually, what would be best is putting money into a savings account as you get it. Once you have enough money to afford a system, spend it all at once.

As a rule, the price of computer components goes down over time, not up. Any money you spent at the beginning of your upgrade odyssey bought you a less powerful part than it would've 3-6 months later. Getting less value for your money is an important reason not to buy slowly over time, but it's not the only reason.

The other important reason is that you have no way of testing individual parts until you have all the pieces. By the time you have all the pieces you'll be way outside the retailer return window for most of them. They'll still be under warranty, but dealing with the return department of a manufacturer is generally more of a hassle than the return department of a retailer. (Not to mention that if more than one part is bad you have to deal with multiple reps instead of just one.)


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
Originally posted by: DSFThe other important reason is that you have no way of testing individual parts until you have all the pieces. By the time you have all the pieces you'll be way outside the retailer return window for most of them. They'll still be under warranty, but dealing with the return department of a manufacturer is generally more of a hassle than the return department of a retailer. (Not to mention that if more than one part is bad you have to deal with multiple reps instead of just one.)

that is a great point and Im glad you mentioned it, It never crossed my mind.