1st PC, 1st OC, AMD 2400+ (not incredible or anything)


Senior member
Aug 23, 2002
Havn't unlocked it yet, so multiplier is 15x. Currently chuggin away at prime95 w/out errors at 141fsb, vcore 1.725. Couldn't get it stable at FSBs above 141mhz, but didn't want to push vcore above 1.8v, either.
Benchmarks are kind of disappointing (but they were before, too). Temp at full load was 50° C at 1.8v, 145 FSB. Doesn't go above 46° C now.

Epox 8k5a2+
256mb Samsung 2700 ddr (next thing to upgrade)
Geforce4 Ti 4200 (@ 280/500)
3 Galaxo 80mm "crystal thermal control fans" and a Thermalright sk6+ w/60-80mm adaptor.

I'm going to unlock it as soon as I've got time, but who knows :).


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I'm guessing you're running into PCI/AGP limitations, I would absolutely recommend you lowering the multiplier enough to let you run at 166FSB and hit the 5/1 divider. I would start around 12.5*166 or 13*166 and increase the multiplier from there. You're smart not to go over 1.8v until we get more information on how much voltage 0.13um XPs can take.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2002
Alright, well as it turns out, I don't have as much will power as I thought. After reading multiple accounts of stability at 1.9-2.2 vcore for significant periods of time, I thought I'd give it a little more juice. It's currently stable (several hours of prime95 w/out errors) at 145fsb:1.825v:15x. But it is not going to get any higher without significant voltage increases (I think), or brining the multiplier down. Keep reading about people getting 166fsb @ 15x, but I think it's a myth, errors develop at 146 fsb for me, windows won't boot at 153, and 166 doesn't post, but I've not been terribly generous with the vcore so far. I'm going to let it burn in for a day or so before trying to increase the fsb or drop the vcore.


Jun 3, 2002
GeneralS, I believe this board doesn't have an AGP/PCI lock, meaning you're running your AGP and PCI buses way out of spec (you're at 145MHz FSB currently, correct?). I would suggest you go back down to 133MHz FSB, boot back into Windows, shut down, uninstall your cooling, unlock your 2400+, and reinstall everything and go into the BIOS and lower your multiplier to get 166MHz FSB x whatever. Try not to lower your multiplier too much, as you could end up running at a core clock that's less then the rated core clock of your 2400+ (2.1ish).


Senior member
Aug 23, 2002
Well of course you're both right (sigh). However, I've been unable to find any information about unlocking the 13 & up multipliers, and an overclock to 2075mhz just kinda seems silly(166x12.5).
I was looking at something yesterday, a page with links to about 10 2400+ unlocking/overclocking guides (and there were others, too), but like an idiot didn't bookmark it.
Also, as far as the unlock for the 12.5 and lower, I keep hearing 2 different ways mentioned (connecting the 5th L3 vs. the 5th L1). So...any information is helpful :D


Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2000
Originally posted by: GeneralS
Well of course you're both right (sigh). However, I've been unable to find any information about unlocking the 13 & up multipliers, and an overclock to 2075mhz just kinda seems silly(166x12.5).
I was looking at something yesterday, a page with links to about 10 2400+ unlocking/overclocking guides (and there were others, too), but like an idiot didn't bookmark it.
Also, as far as the unlock for the 12.5 and lower, I keep hearing 2 different ways mentioned (connecting the 5th L3 vs. the 5th L1). So...any information is helpful :D

my L1's are not cut.... i pin modded as shown here and it works fine: http://www.vr-zone.com/Home/news152/news152.htm#2501



Golden Member
Sep 20, 2002
From another thread

Originally posted by: Chronic321
The CPU comes unlocked from the factory, I could only select multipliers from 13-22, but people with KT400 chipsets (I have a Kt333) should be able to select multipliers from 7.5-22.

The Epox 8K5A2+ is a KT333 chipset also, so I thought the larger multipliers would already be available. Are you sure that they are not? Thanks. Peace.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2002
>>The Epox 8K5A2+ is a KT333 chipset also, so I thought the larger multipliers would already be available. Are you sure that they are not? Thanks. Peace.

Board shows 15x and lower as being available, but it won't post.


Golden Member
Sep 20, 2002
Curious. I wonder is some of the 2400's are coming locked, while others are unlocked.

Anyway, you may want to have a look at this then. Overclocking the T'Bred. Modifying the L5 bridges modifies the multiplier, while modifying the L11 bridges adjust the voltages. Hope this is helpful to you. Peace.


Senior member
Aug 23, 2002
Well, right off the top, I'm not really interested in any physical mods to the chip that are irreversable, and lock me in to a specific voltage or multiplier. Found out that, when locked, 8.5 and 8 multiplier coorespond to 16.5x & 16x, and these are the only ones that will actually boot up other than the default 15. 16.5 currently stable at 133fsb, and counting, but 13x or 14x seems to be the ideal, and I've been unable to find information on unlocking those without filling pits, etc.