Originally posted by: ottothecow
Originally posted by: vhx
Widescreen, because you can see more of everything, including webpages. You get more space to work worth, and they are great for gaming, especially for FPS/MMO's where you can see more on both sides.
crack pipe anyone? Webpages are almost always vertical (you scroll up and down and get mad when you ahve to scroll sideways) so you will see LESS with a widescreen. You actually get less space with a widescreen but sometimes you are better able to use it (2 windows fit better next to each other) and not all games let you see more, often you see less top to bottom instead of more side to side or even worse they just squish it.
Widescreen can be great when it works for you but dont kid yourself that it is better in all categories. A square is a mroe efficient use of space than a rectangle...so unless that rectangle fits your uses exactly, the square will have more space.
Of course when it comes to small laptops and the such, this changes. widescreen becomes your friend because it lets you still keep the laptop small but be wide enough to fit the full sized keyboard (like the 13 inch widescreen macbooks)