W wildcat86 Banned Aug 14, 2005 351 0 0 Aug 21, 2005 #2 wow, really nice specs, but no DVI wonder what the panel quality is tho given that its a no name brand EDIT: I've been searching and it looks like DCL is a Sceptre brand newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824211003
wow, really nice specs, but no DVI wonder what the panel quality is tho given that its a no name brand EDIT: I've been searching and it looks like DCL is a Sceptre brand newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824211003
G GeneT Member Dec 15, 2001 45 0 0 Aug 21, 2005 #3 It is sceptre brand, and newegg has it w/o rebate for another $16...mite be worth it
L leigh6 Diamond Member Jun 2, 2004 3,011 0 0 Aug 21, 2005 #4 If you are looking to buy one of these someone on these threads had 2 new ones. I think he had lowered the price to $200.00 each shipped.
If you are looking to buy one of these someone on these threads had 2 new ones. I think he had lowered the price to $200.00 each shipped.
Y yourdeardaniel Golden Member Mar 20, 2004 1,905 0 0 Aug 21, 2005 #5 monitor looks ugly get 8ms w/ DVI from samsung