I have been reading LCD review after review. It seems the only way to buy an LCD is to try it out first. I have had my eye on the Samsung 173T becuase of its high contrast ratio and dual input ability. Then the Benq FP791 appears with a high contrast ratio, extremely bright screen and no hint of ghosting or trailing in fast motion games/video. The new Samsung 172X is supposed to be the fastest (12ms) and best LCD coming out, but it got a terrible review. Infact I think Toms Hardware gave it a 1 out of 5 on ghosting, while the 25ms Samsung does alright. I'm hoping osmone on this forum can help me decide on a display for myself. I'm a casual gamer who spends a lot of time reading text and surfing the web. (I have tried a 173T in both gaming and reading, it's great, but is there better? cheaper?)
- Please no comments about how CRTs are better and LCDs. I couldn't care less about your CRT advice.
- Please no comments about how CRTs are better and LCDs. I couldn't care less about your CRT advice.