Actually, better, as you have a choice of 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratios. Yes, remember being able to actually *choose* resolutions? Welcome back to CRTs, folks. 16:9 will give you an even wider FOV in games, something that's very useful especially in RTS where being able to see more may you give the advantage over an opponent (I am aware that some 16:10 LCDs may be able to display 16:9 without stretching, however). Anyway, how it's done is quite simple but I didn't get around to actually trying it until today. Firstly, add a custom resolution to the Nvidia control panel. Next, you need to adjust the vertical 'shape' on your monitor (i.e. compress the image). Many newer model 4:3 TVs do this automatically, but you need to do this manually on a CRT monitor. Use simple maths to determine by how much to compress the image to get the picture looking good. I'd only recommend doing this if you have a 21 or 22" CRT. Anything smaller and it's really not worthwile. However, with the price of 2nd hand CRTs these days, there's really no excuse. It's about time to get rid of those lousy LCDs folks.