133 FSB to 166FSB

Jun 14, 2003
hi, i dont know a lot bout CPU's but i was reading a cooling review and saw that the guy doin it said he would run the first test with an Athlon XP 1800 @11.5x133 then another test @11x166

is it possible to switch the FSB from 133 to 166, somehow,

i know that when i try to over clock mine, it just puts the FSB up a few notches to bout 142Mhz and then multiplier is 12.5
is it possible to get 166FSB with a lower multiplier?


Apr 30, 2003
Hehehe, yeah generally thats called overclocking, thus the chuckles, You will have an easier time uping the FSB if you can lower the multiplier for the CPU. Its not a setting that is standard, when you do this your are increasing the stock (recommended) speeds that the CPU is supposed to run at.

Most processors have locked multipliers and you have to mod the actual CPU to get it to let you change the stock value in the bios

I got lucky with my 2500+, it will let me change the multipler with no issues, just nothing past 13 (unless I mod it, I think)

You may wanna check and see if you can do this, and if not, then see what it takes to mod the chip.

Just need to take your time and be careful.