11.12=rc11 drivers with 7970?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
I certainly don't hope this thread does not sound newbish but a question for the amd guys...coming to you from a ex nvidia guy.

How often does the amd site update their driver page?

About a week and a half ago or so,i just reinstalled my os on a new hard drive and a soundcard as well,going to the amd site like i would with the evga or nvidia site,i see the latest drivers and i install them.

My card being a 7970 has been rock stable with BF3 at 1125/1600 then suddenly i play BC2 and its going good then suddenly my fps drops like crazy then my system locks up...when i reboot i get a popup from ccc exclaiming i am rocking 11.12 and its recommended i upgrade to 12.2.

Quick checking of ccc information and trixx show i am rocking 11.12,if that is the case,didn't these drivers come out nearly a month before rc11?

Or did two versions of 11.12 come out,one being 11.12 and rc11?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
lol sorry guys,after reinstalling rc11,it appears to have the same name in the information which threw me off.:D