$100 is a hard limit. I'm running a 4770 and I just want to check for stability issues.Just $10 more will net you a new 6770 or 7750 at newegg w/o rebates. The 6770 is plenty for TF2 at 1080. Not sure about 2nd hand prices.
Second-hand is OK. Main use is for playing TF2 at 1920x1080. I would prefer one that isn't too loud. Thoughts?
6770 $10 more?
How about $20 less
$76-78 =$115 - $15 (cc HARDOCPX314C 3/20) - $20 (rebate) - $2.60-4 (Fat Wallet Cash) (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125396
$100 is a hard limit. I'm running a 4770 and I just want to check for stability issues.
I did specifically post 'w/o rebates' in my previous post.
Another thing is that the card you linked is a slower version of the 6770. Nothing too drastic (like some gimped cards in the past) but its core is 775 (vs 850 stock for the normal 6770). It cannot be overlocked using AMD catalyst to 850 but only to a max of 800.