Parodies aren't for everyone...
$10 for each one if you can find them in stock and around the price posted (including shipping, and if in TX, tax of 8.25%)
PTR-91 in .308WIN, 18", standard forearm with flash suppressor -$1100
VZ-58 - wood stock and butt, $825
Polish Underfolder (7.62x39) - $800 (Or a Yugo M70 for $650).
DSA G1 - $2000
Robinson XCR in 5.56 - $1300
PM me if you find them.
I'll pay you when I get paid----errr, when shipment is confirmed delivered.
$10 for each one if you can find them in stock and around the price posted (including shipping, and if in TX, tax of 8.25%)
PTR-91 in .308WIN, 18", standard forearm with flash suppressor -$1100
VZ-58 - wood stock and butt, $825
Polish Underfolder (7.62x39) - $800 (Or a Yugo M70 for $650).
DSA G1 - $2000
Robinson XCR in 5.56 - $1300
PM me if you find them.
I'll pay you when I get paid----errr, when shipment is confirmed delivered.