Thanks, so 1.8 is bad even if the temp is ok.
Well, that overclock failed a stabity test, my system locked up right after (mpime for about 20minutes). The CPU was at 40.5C.
I'm using the lm_sensors software in Linux, which used the i2c and various other kernel modules. Before I started, I checked the numbers against the temps shown in BIOS (obviously at idle, not load), and they looked identical. I know these aren't precise, but are they good enough? I'm air cooled, with a Zalman 7700Cu. I'm not going for monster overclock, just thought I'd see what I could do without trying to hard.
Sort of on the same topic (of voltages), what types of things will increasing chipset voltage help. I'm wondering about the overclock attempt that passes POST, but fails somewhere in the boot process (like initializing ide devices.