Oil filter gasket blew about 5 miles down the road after changing my oil, I walked to the store grabbed oil and filter to change it again on the side of the road. The computer shut it down as soon as the pressure went to the far high end and then all the way to nothing. most of the 5 quarts got dumped. I changed it again on the side of the road with a new filter put a new sending unit in. It dont make the noise of a knocking rod but a light tick of a lifter knock that you can only hear if the hood is up and your under the hood. Its only been driven about 4 miles since this happened but after this it started to want to die when the rpm's lower with speed or coming to a stop. Is it safe to drive with a lifter knock and what should I look at for the issue that its started to die at low rpms before the battery that was shot was replaced?