
Forum discussion tagged with c++.
  1. __Rob__

    Question sending data between two Smartphones without sending data through Server

    I try to programm a Mobile Messenger (C++, Qt) where the Server only sends the current IP address of Phone A to Phone B and vice versa and the data is send directly between these two devices with the goal to minimize the needed calculationpower of the server. I try to understand if that is...
  2. harshilshah25

    Question Dilemma over authenticity of gcov generated code coverage percentage where unit tests are not technically correct

    When I joined my company as a new comer and I was exploring the unit test suite of the product code. It is using gtest framework. But when I checked all the tests, they were testing the whole functionality by calling real functions and asserting expected output. Below is one such test case as an...
  3. Vattila

    OT: SYCL will replace CUDA

    Argonne, ORNL and Codeplay just announced that Codeplay has been awarded a contract for implementing SYCL support for AMD GPUs — as an open heterogeneous programming model for the upcoming exascale supercomputers...
  4. Vattila

    OT: SYCL will replace CUDA

    Argonne, ORNL and Codeplay just announced that Codeplay has been awarded a contract for implementing SYCL support for AMD GPUs — as an open heterogeneous programming model for the upcoming exascale supercomputers...
  5. Vattila

    Speculation: SYCL will replace CUDA

    I've had my eye on SYCL for some time now. I don't think it is widely recognised that this is going to be the standard for heterogeneous programming models going forward (eventually to be merged into the ISO C++ standard, it seems). If you read any discussion on programming, tech and investor...
  6. MajinCry

    Opening old Visual Studio project with 2019, throws tons of errors with provided libraries

    Having learned Pascal and C# in order to mod Bethesda games, I'm moving onto C++ in order to create .dll files for New Vegas' script extender. But the provided Visual Studio project is of a much older version than 2019. After VS updates the old project, compiling fails spectacularly. For some...
  7. T

    Adding together ASCII(h) representation of bytes in a array<Byte>

    I am trying to send a message consisting of a few byte using visual studios c++. The device requires serial communication and I am using array<Byte>: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32770503/serial-port-write-c The message to be send should start with 02 ASCII(h) i.e. STX. This is followed...