Recent content by ViperrX

  1. V

    Wonerin' what you guys are looking for..

    mmmmm.... pricewatch....
  2. V

    Samsung SCH-T300 Cell Phone ($179.99 list) for $29.99 at Verizon

    I ordered this exact phone and plan back on the 11th. Had the exact same problem with email inquiries. Got an email the 16th saying they had to increase processing time to 4-8 days but would upgrade my shipping to overnight. Eventually on the 22nd I called them, and after about 30 minutes...
  3. V

    HOT ASS!!!! AGOIA SPECIFIC XP1600+!!! $75!!! gives you a lot of options after adding cpus to your cart, from cooling combos to barebones kits. One option is: 1) Upgrade to AGOIA/Latest core: add $16.67 2) Upgrade to AGOIA/Latest core w/3rd Line Y : add $19.21 3) Please leave it as is This works on all OEM XP cpu's from the...
  4. V

    Firelwall Testing - Ignore this

    12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890...
  5. V

    Whoa! Microsoft Office XP and OS XP for $10

    << personally, i don't really like going to jail >> heh that one made me laugh
  6. V

    Hot - CompUSA B&M book closeout - Lots of book/book sets originally as much as $200.00 now 88 cents

    Went to CompUSA in Latham, NY First book I had didnt scan Second book came up as 0.01 Cashier Immediatley Voids it I say "But that is the correct price, it is listed as clearence" She goes over to a computer on the side stays there for 20 seconds at the most and came back and says: "sorry all...
  7. V

    Samsung 955DF 19" monitor for $211 at

    << Hm...I bought the same monitor from Dell last week too. It was $279 - 10% off - $40 rebate + free shipping = $211. >> Um... I must be missing something too, I don't see 10% off anywhere, all I see is 15% off Dell branded monitors. Also, where can I find this rebate?
  8. V

    Rio Volt for $106.95 plus Tax at Staples Online ($112.90 after 6/6/01)

    << Just ordered one of these bad boys... $106.95... she said it'll be here on the 8th? I'm not sure how they plan on doing that but you'll hear no complaints from me! :D >> I ordered mine at like 6pm on 6/4 and it was here by 2pm on 6/6 I did 3-5 day ground shipping so i think it probably...
  9. V

    Rio Volt for $106.95 plus Tax at Staples Online ($112.90 after 6/6/01)

    << Wow, I had to call 3 different CSR's before they would let me do it. (As of about 2pm CDT when I called.) I think they might catch on when 10,000 people call in to their call center HQ asking for a $210 unit, at $106..They might think somethin is up. However, what happened next surprized...
  10. V

    Rio Volt for $106.95 plus Tax at Staples Online ($112.90 after 6/6/01)

    I just wanted to add my thanks for the info on this. I have been wating to get this for a while. I tried to order it in store first, cause I want it now, but they wanted to charge me $17.95 for what would be overnight shipping along with the pricematch. So I went home and called to order...