Recent content by Souka

  1. S

    So what are the best android apps?

    Lots of great ideas... I'm glad I came here to check in on responses
  2. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    Thank you all. I'll poke around with your suggests when I get some time.
  3. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    Thank you Velis and debian0001, I'll take a look. I'm pretty sad in my programing skills... hopefully I can make it work. I have list of hostnames I need to scan, I know the local admin/password info (same for all), hopefully I can get this to work! :)
  4. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    They are not on the domain. I am trying to find devices with USB drives, blocking them will not do that. Many of these computers are actually in locked cabinets/carts...but I've found that our techs have left USB thumbdrives in them when re-imaging via USB. We do have a mangement server...
  5. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    Thank you for your response. So taking your WMIC query, how would I gather that information from a list of about 750 devices? And as I've said, each device is not a member of the domain, so unique userID will also be needed to query the wmi info. eg, COMPUTER1\administrator + password...
  6. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    Two reasons. 1. They're not allowed. 2. Because of the nature of these computers (Wyse ThinClients), we brought in a small crew of contractors to re-image these.... and in the process they lost quite a few thumb drives. We've occasionally come across one in the pack of one of these...
  7. S

    Finding USB thumb drives on remote (LAN) comupters

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to find USB thumbdrives on machines within my corporate network. My comptuer: WinXP or Win7 x64 Enterprise Remote computers: Win7 Embeded on network, but not joined to domain I already have report tools in SCCM to handle the XP/Win7 systems that...
  8. S

    Prevent drag n' drop on network drives

    Not a training issue.... just accidents happen. There are two types of people regarding this problem Those that have And those who will
  9. S

    Prevent drag n' drop on network drives

    Hello All, I work in a small company and my users have networked drives that they occasionally moving directories around when they try to double-click folders. Best solution I'm looking for is prompting when you drag-n-drop files or folders instead of moving. File server is 2008, users...
  10. S

    How to link an xbox on one network to another

    Well, he can get a pretty steady 4-8Mbps from his parents network to his (copying a large file for example). Any suggestions on the specific hardware?
  11. S

    How to link an xbox on one network to another

    Hello all, To start, thanks for reading this...I hope you can help :) A friend's parents has IPTv in Canada and he wants to hook his xBox to it so he can view the programming. The idea would be to make his xBox appear to be on the parents doing so will let him stream...
  12. S

    Windows XP, how to enable Standby timer for all users?

    Default user setting is turn off screen after 30min, HD off in 40min, Standby is set to "never" Problem is even overnight, system screens are still on at the "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to login" and obviously not in standby. YEs systems are on a domain, but GPO's are only controled by parent...
  13. S

    Windows XP, how to enable Standby timer for all users?

    Due to recent upgrades/updates I have a library of computers with Windows XP-x64 that I need to set to auto-standby after a period of time. It's never been a problem, but now my company wants to be green-er and oftem I'll find 90% of these sytsems sitting at the login prompt for days with the...
  14. S

    Extremely sloot bootup after imaging drive

    Sorry for being away from this thread.. been traveling and busy at work so I didn't have time to look into until recently. I did a fresh install on the 320gb 7200 drive of Vista Ultimate.... same boot up problem. OS installed normally enough, but the initial OS bootup took 20min+ I loaded...