Recent content by Robor

  1. R

    New "Grand Bargain" deal emerging on debt ceiling talks

    He's not out of the loop unless it has a 2/3 majority. :D
  2. R

    Abstinence-only doesn't work: Case Study Involving Palin's Second Grandchild

    Too true... I have a good friend who has three kids with his wife. They were all raised in the same area (same house) and aren't that far apart in age. Two of them were "good" kids and one was (and still is) an irresponsible hellion.
  3. R

    Abstinence-only doesn't work: Case Study Involving Palin's Second Grandchild

    Edit: I stand corrected. Thanks for the info, shrumpage.
  4. R

    More Government Housing Shenanigans

    Exactly. Anyone outraged at the homeowners or people who walked off bad loans needs to watch "Inside Job" for some perspective.
  5. R

    Abstinence-only doesn't work: Case Study Involving Palin's Second Grandchild

    When "the left" runs around preaching abstinence while 2 of their 3 unwed children are pregnant you'll have a point.
  6. R

    Abstinence-only doesn't work: Case Study Involving Palin's Second Grandchild

    You could have saved a few keystrokes by replacing "urban youths" with the N bomb.
  7. R

    Obama might be in trouble for 2012

    I wish you were right but if the 2010 election is any indication the people are not noticing. The Republican and TEA Party folks are doing (almost) exactly what they said they would do if elected. The only thing they lied about was creating US jobs and fixing the economy.
  8. R

    my observations a little rant from me

    Nomination for dumbest post of the month. :thumbsup:
  9. R

    We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers

    Tell that to these people
  10. R

    We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers

    LOL... Looks like Spidey has a tea bagging buddy. How cute. :wub:
  11. R

    The Obama Doctrine?

    He's the president, not a dictator. I don't like his capitulating to the moronic TEA Party, far right Republicans, and DINOs but the executive branch has only so much power. How many filibusters did the R's do from 2009-2011?
  12. R

    Obama's first campaign ad of 2012

    Please explain that idiotic statement. Seriously. The flow of money is going up, not down.
  13. R

    The Obama Doctrine?

    And you criticize him for it - what a hack.
  14. R

    I knew it...

    It's good to see it didn't take long for the new Republicans to focus on jobs and the economy. /sarcasm :rolleyes: